Sim rate?

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Today 4:48 PM
I just acquired the beautiful PMDG 777, and am now ready to fly it for Air-Child.
The 777 has a built in sim rate system, that automatically accelerates time in cruise, very helpful for those long haul flights that the 777 was designed for.
Now I get a little unsure, is the use of time acceleration allowed on Air-Child?
I know about the problems concerning online flying.
But... would it be allowed to take off from, lets say Tokyo climb and fly online while in controlled airspace, jump offline accelerate time, go back to 1x sim rate and jump back online in order to land fly and land in controlled airspace at Ljublana?
Or is it a must to fly the entire 12 hours at 1x sim rate?

Of course in the interrest of keeping it real it would be obvious to find a good book and just monitor the entire 12 hour flight, but then again...

So in short is the use of time acceleration allowed on Air-Child?
Of course in the interrest of keeping it real it would be obvious to find a good book and just monitor the entire 21 hour flight, but then again...
In reality a pilot shouldn't be reading a book in the cockpit, especially when for some reason he/she is the only pilot remaining. :)
Hi Mads,

congrats to your new 777... a sentence you won't be hearing often in real-life, eh? ;) She really is a great A/C.

As for your question I remember to have read somewhere here or in the manual... don't recall where... that someone said, this is a hobby, not a job. So, no, I don't think, that it is per se forbidden to do what you suggested (but I am new to Air-Child myself).

I never used time-accel in the newer FS-Aera (I started off on the C64). It was a huge no-go in the scene and somewhat a matter of honor. But then again... now being older and wiser... I still don't use time accel for kinda the same reasons but you won't be catching me on a CDG-JFK route anytime soon... I simply don't fly these long-distance-legs anymore.

I guess my point being: do as you see fit... but have fun while flying for ACH... no matter what you do :yes:
Andrew Williams said:
Sure, time accelerate away 8) :fly:

Thank you for the precise answer, to a long question.
Barthe Hogenboom said:
In reality a pilot shouldn't be reading a book in the cockpit, especially when for some reason he/she is the only pilot remaining. :)

Certainly not, but then again I guess that a real pilot wouldn't be sitting in an office chair using a Saitek joystick :rofl:
Peter Mueller said:
Hi Mads,

congrats to your new 777... a sentence you won't be hearing often in real-life, eh? ;) She really is a great A/C.

As for your question I remember to have read somewhere here or in the manual... don't recall where... that someone said, this is a hobby, not a job. So, no, I don't think, that it is per se forbidden to do what you suggested (but I am new to Air-Child myself).

I never used time-accel in the newer FS-Aera (I started off on the C64). It was a huge no-go in the scene and somewhat a matter of honor. But then again... now being older and wiser... I still don't use time accel for kinda the same reasons but you won't be catching me on a CDG-JFK route anytime soon... I simply don't fly these long-distance-legs anymore.

I guess my point being: do as you see fit... but have fun while flying for ACH... no matter what you do :yes:
Thank you, still learning the ropes on the big lady, but I like what I see.
If I have the time to fly at rate 1, I will do so, my past experience is from a VA that did not allow the use of time acceleration.
But I would also like to get some hours in for Air-Child, and it helps a lot with sim rate when you want to squeeze in a flight between work and sleep.
As long as you don't use acceleration while on VATSIM ;) kinda obvious :D

I also tend to fly the 777 on longer 738 flights(2-3 hours), I just love how it handles :D.
Re: Sim rate while online on VATSIM

Hi Guys,
we just had a loong discussion about that on VATSIM-Germany Forum.
Andreas Fuchs, VATGER1 and VATSIMSup stated, that time accelleration on VATSIM is not forbidden! Even in controlled Airspace(e.g. Nattracks)!
But: You need the clearance of the current ATC to use it.

That is the official statement.

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