DX10 Scenery Fixer

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Today 4:12 PM
Has anybody tried this program ?

Seems like a way to brush up FSX with improvements from DX10.
for me.... - 1

don't like this addon. for me only problem.
I don't have it and i didn't tried it becouse i don't use DX10. I heard only good things about, but i am satisfied with my DX9 settings, and last time i tried DX10 i couldn't made FSX to run smooth like with my DX9 settings.
You need to know what you are doing before you buy that tool, i recommend you to go to avsim and take a look to DX10 forum. There is a detailed guide for that
Yeah seems like alot of work to make it work :).

I guess one should just follow the golden rule: Don't fix anything that aint broken!
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