another online network for all of us

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Today 11:30 PM
X-FlightServer can also be used by FS9- and FSX-pilots. Until now it was a network for X-Plane user...

:hug: :cheers:

The homepage of is:

Ricardo Rementería Troncoso said:
X-FlightServer can also be used by FS9- and FSX-pilots. Until now it was a network for X-Plane user...

:hug: :cheers:

The homepage of is:


Hi Ricardo,
but this network is without any ATC right?! VATSIM and IVAO are having a good ATC and they are open for all sims. Of course it is interesting to see newcomers network, but for my taste Vatsim is offering the most realistic ATC and a lot of very interesting events all over the world - I rather would ask the ACH Pilots to join Vatsim then another network.
Cheers Tom

X-FlightServer is, like NetFlight, a groups online flight network, and not an ATC online flight network, like IVAO, VATSIM or PilotEdge.

It's not a "newcomers" network. Well, maybe for some people. But I see that they organize groups flight events every sunday since 2004 ( ).

Anyway, I've discovered today that their network can also be used by FS9- and FSX-pilots, not only by X-Plane users. In my eyes that's important information. I socialised it. I do not ask anyone to join any network. But I think that everyone must have access to all available information to take his/her own decisions. I am only trying to help our pilots.

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