Polish Independence Day

Users Local time
Today 3:23 AM
Hello Fellow Pilots ;)

PLVACC Controllers are pleased to invite you all to a fly-in which will take place at Warsaw Okecie airport, EPWA, on the 11th of November between 18 and 22Z. This date is not accidental by any means - on the 11th November we celebrate Polish Independence Day which marks the restoration of Poland's independence in 1918. After 123 years of partitions Poland re-appeared on the map of Europe as a sovereign democratic country.

Every year, to celebrate this key moment in our history, we organise a dedicated fly-in. This time we have decided to opt for a full ATC coverage at all our main airports and combine it with a special booking system.

Please visit our dedicated page:

Dear fellow pilots, :hi:

let me join Tomasz in inviting all Air-Child VA pilots to take part in the real ops event in EPWW on Nov 11. Tomasz will probably guide you as ATC, I'll monitor frequencies for ACH callsigns from my cockpit.
ACH Teamspeak will be active during the entire event.


http://www.pl-vacc.org/pol3/download.ph ... V_2008.zip
AFCAD file for FSX:
http://www.pl-vacc.org/pol3/download.ph ... sx_631.zip

http://library.avsim.net/search.php?Sea ... &Go=Search

http://www.pl-vacc.org/pol3/download.ph ... kk2004.zip
AFCAD file for FSX:
http://www.pl-vacc.org/pol3/download.ph ... sx_113.zip

http://www.pl-vacc.org/pol3/download.ph ... PO2009.zip

Other relevant info about FIR WARSAW (notams, sectors, etc.):

Our regular attractions also include birds activity over Warsaw, deer runinng happily about Krakow runway and fresh flying fish over the Baltic coast in Gdansk.
All STARS and SIDS are pilot-friendly. ;)

:fly: Come and join us - the more the better :fly:
Thank you Rafal ;) indeed, I will provide the friendly service at EPWA_GND from 18 to 22.
(Today I had the pleasure to manage the World Flight traffic on Warsaw App. Perfect begin of a day at 5 in the morning :) )

For those of you who are interested, here you can find a couple of facts about this day:
http://www.polishculture.co.uk/index.ph ... &Itemid=26
I will fly this evening from Berlin EDDT to Warsaw EPWA. Departure Time will be at about 19:45 UTC (20:45 local). I know that Rafal will be also flying at this time from EDDT to EPWA. Anyone else who want to join...?

...and we also will meet Tomasz on the Ground :)
We could fly from France to Poland... :?:

PS: Rafal, you may wish to check the download links in your last post.. looks like you are missing the last "p" for the *.php" extension, as otherwise you dont get to the download link :hi:

correct link for sceneries should read
Indeed a good idea, Norbert.

I will not fly from France :( , however, since I had already booked in long time before ;) .
I'll depart from EDDT at 17:00 UTC to arrive at EPKK about 18:10 UTC. Then I'll fly back to EDDT at 18:20 UTC. Then, at 19:45 UTC we will fly with Norbert from EDDT to arrive at EPWA about 20:55 UTC. Then again, I'll be departing from Warsaw at about 21:17 for my ACH Hub in Vienna.
I had booked these four flights to generate a bit of ACH VA traffic during this event. 8)

So if you prefer you could join along this four leg route at any point or just fly in (possibly another ACH VA). Booking for the event are advisable, although not necessary:

By the way, for the first time, for the last five days, there in no fog in Krakow.

Hoping to hear ACH callsigns! :hi:
Rafal Bardel said:
By the way, for the first time, for the last five days, there in no fog in Krakow.

I know.. it has arrived in ELLX :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

PS: See you tonite :hi:
Norbert, Rafal,

Thank you very much for your participation, our event was a great success !
As you can see, Warsaw is always " 'ne Reise wert " ;)
Tomasz Wydrzynski said:
Norbert, Rafal,

Thank you very much for your participation, our event was a great success !

Tomasz - thanks a lot for the red carpet and VIP ATC service at EPWA_GND! :hi:

I've also spotted Daniel Novotny and Norbert Pflug - Gentlemen, thank you for flying to EPWW during the event. It was great to pick up ACH VA callsigns from busy frequencies. :thx:

As you may have noticed, Polish Sky become unusually overloaded, heavy delays over EPWA, short separations and late landing clearances - the event became more popular than expected but we had good fun and a bit of experience of crowded sky. :fly: :dizzy: :fly:
(if I missed someone, please forgive me, it was a busy night, please accept many thanks, too).

Also, special thanks to Norbert Pflug, who decided to visit Poland twice last night and "closed" the event flying alone to by then "silent" Krakow ;) :goodjob:
Tomasz Wydrzynski said:
Norbert, Rafal,

Thank you very much for your participation, our event was a great success !
As you can see, Warsaw is always " 'ne Reise wert " ;)

Thank you too for your ATC Tomasz.
Oh yes, it was a great experience. Specially the APP_Controller. First I don't understand him, but Rafal, who was flying some miles ahead, told me over chat (communication over TEAMSPEAK wasn't possible. Too much pilots on the frequencie) that he thought I was a polish pilot and speaks polish too me :lol:
But he did a great job. There where so many aircrafts over Warsaw. It looks like wilde beeswarm. The APP_Controller gaves every aircraft differnd headings, speed, and alltitudes. It dosn't look proper in any way. But suddenly all aircrafts was forming a picture like a big Q where the line of the Q was heading to the Runway. Great! :clap:

I can't say enough: Flying online is the greatest adventure you can get in the net
Norbert Woeller said:
APP_Controller gave every aircraft differnd headings, speed, and alltitudes.
He just did his job, but outside normal office hours on vatsim.
Christoph is a real-life controller :lol:
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