[Fr, 11/20/2009 | LOWG-UKBB] VACC Austria Groupflight

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Once again, it's time to fly together with VACC Austria! And this time, we are going to fly from LOWG (Graz) to UKBB (Ukraine) to join UKBBs online day!

Last time we did a groupflight organized by our VACC we could count more than 20 participating pilots. On November 20th, we want to break this number and show how many aircraft can depart from LOWG in just one hour!

Come and join this flight - you will never forget the feeling!

What: VACC Austria Groupflight
Where: LOWG - UKBB
When: 11/20/2009, 20:30loc / 19:30z (ETD)

FL285-999: GOTAR UY570 SVR UM986 LONLA UB144 SL
(this route is available directly in vRoute and in VATRoute, so you are able to use your preferred online flight plan tool directly)

UKBB: http://www.avpu.org/index_eu.php?page=dwnld (suggested by VACC Ukraine)
UKBB: http://www.fsplanet1.com/files4/webfile ... y_spil.zip (alternative scenery)
LOWG: http://www.fsterminal.at/adg/

UKBB: http://www.avpu.org/index_eu.php?page=charts_eng
LOWG: http://www.vacc-austria.org/?page=conte ... t_overview

ATC will be available during the whole flight - therefore the only thing we can do for now is to say "see you on friday - we are looking forward to seeing you in virtual Austrian skies!"

Your VACC Austria!

PS: Of course everybody is invited to join this flight. But if you want to help us offering you the best ATC service for the whole flight, we ask you to send us a mail to groupflight@vacc-austria.org if you plan to take part.

Fellow ACH fliers,

there are three reasons why our participation is more than welcome in this event:

1 - ACH VA is a VACC Austria cerified member; :!: and

2 - A special charity pool is planned, an extra to our regular activity, Air-Child will pay 50 Cent to UNICEF, for EVERY pilot (Air-Child pilot or not) who will join this event, therefore our mission becomes more meaningful; and :clap:

3- flying (together) is fun. :fly: :fly: :fly:

TEAMSPEAK will be waiting for ACH pilots for the duration of the event - another occasion to integrate within our community. :hug:

Hoping you see you there! Who will join?

For those who already plan on joining the event, I'd like to add a note by Bernhard:
because LOWG is a rather small airport, it would be nice if not all pilots log in at the same time to avoid a mess on the ground. Best will be to follow the ongoing traffic on ServInfo and log in when there's some space available. Thx.

We will also post a separate news message about this event soon. Don't forget that Air-Child will pay 0.50 Euros to UNICEF for each pilot (no matter if Air-Child member or not) joining this event.
Just a reminder for this evening: TakeOff from Graz and fly to Kyiv. 50Cent per flight for UNICEF. Go for it... :fly:
Homeland of Antonov and co-host of the EM 2012.
Don't worry about the metric bagatelle - controllers use the Western level/altitude system.
If you absolutely want to convert 1ft = 0.3048 m ;)
Tomasz Wydrzynski said:
Don't worry about the metric bagatelle - controllers use the Western level/altitude system
Best news today! :) Just made my decision to join.

Note for Teamspeak users: I just opened 2 sub-channels in the Vatsim channel, as proposed by Rafal and Norbert. There's now one channel for GROUND comms, and one for CRUISE. The reason is that often you have a lot of voice traffic from ATC on the ground and it's hard to concentrate and listen if you also hear other pilots chatting on TS while they cruise along. So, if you switch to GROUND channel, you won't hear the "cruisers" and vice versa.
I kept monitoring the flights during the event - what a crowd! I wonder if LOWG has ever had such traffic in real! When I logged in, there were 10 mins delays in departures, and a long long wait for clearance ...
And ACH pilots queuing up... :fly: :fly: :fly: :clap:

Unfortunately I couldn't wait that long. But others did. :thx:
Just hit the ground in Kiev. Unfortunately missed some ATC coverage due to my flight plann via Slovakia, but apart of it was an perfect event with some LVP at the end. I like it ;)
I hope everybody had a great flight. Unfortunately I could not participate myself, but I counted 36 pilots enroute, so my personal goal (30+ pilots) has been reached.

Thanks to Air Child for its support,
If we count in Rafal (who was logged in but didn't have enough time to wait for his clearance) and me (who was prepared like never before but couldn't get the f#?kk@ng headset to work and finally flew offline) - we already have 38. We can further add Bernhard and Norbert who would have joined if they'd had time.

Sums up to 40, which makes a nicer total of 20 Euro going to Unicef ;)
Thanks to all participating captains and the wonderful Austrian vacc who made it possible!
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