Air Child planes for FSInn?

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Today 8:45 AM

Do we have some AI aircraft with ACH livery somewhere to be used with FSInn? Currently its a bit boring to see all the new ACH pilots (and those are many yet) as simple VIPs.


FSinn can be used to show the liveries that pilots actually use in their FS's. Unfortunately, this software is a big frame eater if used it this way - several aircraft at one airport can significanty affect the performace. And as far as I remember, you need to have them installed, too. I do not use it any more so maybe other fellow pilots will advise you how to set it up.

The thread about ACH livery for those using Squawbox and FSinn - last post:


it only depends on how performant your PC is, then FSInn is not a thing to worry about 8)

@ Bernhard,
just install the repaints from the hangar and set them correctly in FSInn, and "voila", your multiplayer with ACH callsign will be shown in the correct livery :eek: :)

thanks for help. I must say, however, thet despite havig quite "a big" compy I experienced low-level performance at crowded airports - especially highly detailed add-on aircraft, such as PDMG 747, etc. :?

Anyway, this link may also be helpful (with some advise how to optimise the performance): ... aftVariety

Oh, oh! Guys - do not use FSInn with "normal" addon aircraft. Of course, that needs a lot of performance, because FS2004 has to render each high detail model, like the PMDG MD11, a few times on each airport.

The solution is to use only AI models for FSInn. Those are not that detailed, but enough to have a beautiful crowded airport during events and the performance is as goog as the one with Squawkbox. Therefore I disabled all the normal addon aircraft in FSInn and only use WorldOfAI aircraft as multiplayer ac's.

My question above was, if there is any package for AI models (e.g. the models used by WorldOfAI) which provides ACH repaints for those AI models.

Hello Bernhard,

at the momoent there are no ACH VA repaints for AI traffic. But we will pin the topic up to the dashboard.

Best regards,
I agree with you, Bernhard, that it's not the best idea using complex aircraft models as AI planes ;)
Anyway, with FsInn that's possible, at least, compared to the difficult AI system in Squawkbox.
I tried to make repaints for SB's VIP models but had no luck so far in making them show up in FS :(

For FsInn we actually planned to offer a complete package of WOAI planes with ACH repaints. However, there's so much other VA work at the moment, so I won't have any time for this in the next months.
Any help here would be very welcome.
Bernhard Harb said:

Just wanted to ask, if there are any news regarding the AI Planes for ACH?

Sorry, Bernhard, not much happened here.
I was busy with lots of other stuff and apart from that I think we didn't have any volunteers .... :S

But here's a question to all, so we maybe get one step further: what would you guys prefer - Project AI, World of AI or something else? Should be free and easy to install. Thanks for your opinions.
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