Teamspeak reorganised

Users Local time
Today 4:24 AM
Dear fellow pilots,

having a bit of experience with Teamspeak during group flight events, we decided to re-organise the channels a bit, to make voice communication between ACH pilots easier and more orderly.

As Peter posted (, now we have two more dedicated channels for voice communication during group flight events :

1) Cruise - for communication while airborne
2) Ground - for communication when the aircraft is on the ground

Please use the channels accordingly.

And a bit of info for pilots who are unfamiliar with Teamspeak - freeware software which we use for voice communication between pilots, independently of ATC voice/text channels.

(client software)
Setup /paswwords etc:
(finding the relevant pages to read won't do any harm)

And of course ACH access to Teamspeak is not only to be used during pre-arranged group flight events - feel free to communicate anytime!

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