Tutorial flight guide available

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Today 10:33 PM
The tutorial on-line flight guide for this flight is now available for download in the ACH VA "documents" section:

We hope you'll find it useful and join us on-line. :think:

Peter, thanks a lot for the lovely layout! :clap:

Re: On-line tutorial flight - new sesion

Looking good Rafal, Only had chance to read first couple pages so far, will read the rest when I get a chance :goodjob:
Re: On-line tutorial flight - new sesion

Good work Rafal... I dived into it last night and am going to read on tonight. I hope the fly-in isn't on the Saturday, otherwise I am seriously considering to join.

And peter, great layout, I couldn't have done it any better :)
Re: On-line tutorial flight - new sesion

Dear Pilots,

thank you so much about your positive response to the guide :) . I was kind of anxious before publishing it, as it is in fact the first document I've ever written about flying :phew:

Re: On-line tutorial flight - new sesion

Looking great indeed, Rafal!! :goodjob:

But beaware - this is a job, which might get your fingers to itch. I know the feeling - did some writing for Eurostar some years ago ;)


BTW: If you want to have a look at my (outdated) papers, go to: http://users.cybercity.dk/~bcr4637/
Re: On-line tutorial flight - December 4th, 19.00 UTC


do you think I'm all that clever to write anything without bibliography ;) ?
I did have a look at your work before I wrote mine :LOL:

Best regards,
I am presently trying Sqwakbox.

It seems easy. Hope the text mode is not too speed.

Pierre ;)
Dear All,

since late December 2009 the approaches and arrivals at EPWA have entirely changed and new ones (completely different) have been introduced. Therefore you may find the recent Vroute routes to EPWA unavailable. Also, your FMC/FMS will not recognise the fixes (navaids) quoted in the "Guide" if you use AIRAC 0913 or newer.

Anyway, no charts for the new routes are yet widely available and if you fly to EPWA you can still use the old charts and routes (navaids) for some time, as full vectoring will be provided by ATC once you enter the approach area, if you decide to fly "by the Guide"

As soon as the new procedures are published by Polish Vacc, I will update the "Guide".

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