Requesting radio check ...

Users Local time
Today 11:00 PM
Caught up at ENGM preparing to take off ...

All by the book: "Before asking for flight clearance, request ATC to check the radio to be make sure your voice transmission is readable and clear ..."

Yes, indeed, but not when you decide to communicate by text ... :lol:

The kind of joke I'm be able to do. :S

Pierre ;)
Certainly would you do not Pierre ! ;)
Pilot, which was leading to the landing via text received command to turn in a certain direction.
Seeing my command on the screen he said (wrote) - "say again". Questions - how can I "say again" when I write and what can I say other than what I wrote above ? Complete nonsense.
If he has stepped down from the tree thousands of years ago, I believe that he knows how to scroll text in applications.
Never mind, it was only an unimportant but laughable episode :)
strange... i would have personally said "with my eyes". you would usually get people who use talking commands for txting, like you gave in your example
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