Apologies to Rafal..

Users Local time
Today 9:52 PM
After 2 hours of planning today (including taking off and flying the sid offline prior to going online)

I prepare plane
Get the airport ATIS
Type in my first ever clearance request, hit send and..........


:wall: :wall:

So I want to publicly apologise to Rafal, who has helped answer me 'newbie' online questions, ready for this event, then I don't end up actually flying it :'(

I'm going to do a full reinstall of flight sim, and I will make it into the online world once and for all. :yes:

Hey, things happen! I got a FS crash on the second leg... :wtf: This is normal ( well ... to an extent :p ) . I call it "advanced technollogy kicked my ...s"

You did send your clearance request to ATC. You did it in on-line. You're in. 8)
Get your software back in order and just send a us message. We'll fly together again.


BTW: the instructions to rwy 30 were given by GND, because in order to get to rwy 04R we had to cross rwy30. After rwy30 we were sent to TWR who instructed us to go further to holding pint :rofl: :pop: (point) rwy 04R. So after all all was as filed. AND EKCH is not an easy airport to start with. We are learning all the time :)
Well after my failure last night, I woke up more determined than ever today.

I can now officially say I have flown online :yes: :D


OK, I didn't meet any controllers on the journey :oops: and just talked to myself on the unicom channel :LOL: but everyone has to start somewhere :champ:
:clap: :hug:

Now write an official request to Norbert to include your report in the last night's event roster.

Justify like that: Due to late take-off clearnce .... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Congratulations, Andy, we're proud of you!

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