some questions about online flying

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Today 10:28 PM
Last night's christmas event left me with a few questions...

What I found one of the most difficult things to do was following taxi instructions. The charts that were available for EKCH and ENGM were not really clear to me and difficult to read (small fonts for taxiway designators) My questions is:
Is there some sort of software available that would make it easier to follow the right taxiways? How do you seasoned on line flyers do that?

I wonder how my plane looked. I had chosen an aerlingus livery, but I am not sure if I have all the right AI planes installed? What do you do to be able to show a different plane from the generic ones that you see everywhere.

And then I am just curious about the setups that seasoned online flyers have to make the experience a bit easier. Additional software, the use of more then one computer etc. The best practise for preparation of your flight. How do you go about when you're planning to fly in the evening and trying to figure out what would be the best ATC covered route. Any tips are welcome, because I don't want to reinvent the wheel ;)

That's it for now....
Jeroen Bos said:
Is there some sort of software available that would make it easier to follow the right taxiways? How do you seasoned on line flyers do that?

As I just posted in other thread, instal the flightkeeper ACARS device, and follow that when you are taxiing. It shows the taxi designators, and your plane, so you can follow it around.

If you don't want to install that into the plane, you can use the live map on flight keeper, but that means minimizing flight sim (unless you have it on another pc or screen) to look at the map.
Thanks for that Andrew. That's what I was thinking about, the only thing being that I am not sure if the designators in the acars device are the same as being used by the controllers.
Don't know if you use the official charts. For Denmarks see:
- ground charts for EKCH: ... ADC_en.pdf and ... PDC_en.pdf

For Norway, see:

The FSF keeper needs to know which add-on airports (sceneries) you have installed. Therefore once all sceneries are installed, you need to use the "Create Database" function of FSF keeper. The program scans all the airport afcad bgl files and your acft is then displayed correctly on ACARS device, according to the scenery versions you have installed.

Unfortunately, the most inacurate and unleavened sceneries are the FS9 default ones, especially at smaller airports. :think:

Rafal Bardel said:
The FSF keeper needs to know which add-on airports (sceneries) you have installed. Therefore once all sceneries are installed, you need to use the "Create Database" function of FSF keeper. The program scans all the airport afcad bgl files and your acft is then displayed correctly on ACARS device, according to the scenery versions you have installed.

...and you have to do this everytime after you have installed a new scenery, to be up to date :!:
Thanks for the replies. That answers one of my questions. I have a lot of add on scenery, so I am not too worried about wrong designators and yes... I know how to keep my FSFK installation updated with the latest scenery. ;)

That leaves my other questions. Anyone?????
Jeroen Bos said:
I wonder how my plane looked. I had chosen an aerlingus livery, but I am not sure if I have all the right AI planes installed? What do you do to be able to show a different plane from the generic ones that you see everywhere.

Well I do not know really which models set y9u have downloaded with your sqawbox. Yu should have at least generic model set and the VIP model set. Then, you should set up your acft in sqbox choosing the livery from those offered. An this way you should be visible in the livery you chose. If you want, we can log in somewhere and check. Let me know.
Jeroen Bos said:
And then I am just curious about the setups that seasoned online flyers have to make the experience a bit easier.

Have you checked Vroute - It does almost all the work for you - finding a route, exporting flight plans, calculating fuel, booking your flight on VATSIM, etc, and showing the anticipated and booked atc.

Found this on vataware:

ACH0051 Jeroen Bos (1085029) B738 EKCH Kastrup EDDM Munich 13-Dec-09

It looks like you have done your first online flight alone. Congratulation Jeroen. Hope it was a nice flight.
It was! :) No problems, easy to understand ATC and with SB on a second pc, what is much better. And great landing at Munich, because they had a full staff doing ATC.
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