To all New Arrivals

Peter Schindler

Users Local time
Today 3:12 PM
We'd like to welcome all of you who made it in here recently and thank you for registering and willing to help getting this VA airborne!
When you first checked in to the site there may have been a couple of questions. This post is intended to answer some of them. We'd like to encourage you to visit the forum regularly, to post any questions you may have and any problems you have.

Most of all we ask you to log in using the quick Login form on the bottom of the board index. Without being logged in to the forum you won't see the special section we've set up for the Beta Phase.

FAQ for first time users (updated Jan 2009):

Q: Where can I change my password?
A: In your profile (pilot's lounge -> my profile) you can change different settings like mail address or password. This is also the place to change your career options.

Q: How can I change my hub?
A: At the moment the choice of a certain hub really doesn't mean much. We prepared this selection for later use. Should the VA grow very big, we will divide it into smaller units via the hubs.
However, if you want to change your hub just post about it in the forum or mail to

Q: How do I report flights?
A: Flight reporting can be done through either FS Flight Keeper, FsPassengers, XAcars or FsAcars. Configuration files and instructions are to be found in your profile after you click on the tab "Personal Files". Download and unpack the ZIP file and follow instructions.
Further instructions can be found in the Pilot Manual (PM) (-> documents).
Flight tracking (flight reports -> live watch) does only work with FS Flight Keeper, XAcars and FsAcars. FsPax does not offer any ACARS functions. However, you can use FsPax along with any of the other add-ons.

Q: Where do I find the add-ons?
- FS Flight Keeper: (there's a 30 days trial)
- FsPassengers:
- XAcars:
- FsAcars:

Users of Flight Keeper 2.8 and lower should be aware that this version does not work with FSX. Flight Keeper 3.0 was released in Dec 2008 and is fully compatible to FSX. We are very proud that Thomas Molitor, the developer, is part of our beta team.

The FS9 version of FsPassengers does not work with FSX. A new version has been released at the end of 2008 that is compatible with FSX, and only FSX.

FsAcars works with FS9 and FSX! However, the add-on is discontinued. Any bugs there are (and there are some) will stay there ;)

Thanks to Bernhard Harb, director of VACC Austria, member of our beta team and co-developer of XAcars, we have implemented this nice tool as the 4th pirep system. Version 2.0 was released in 2008 and is compatible with FS2004, FSX and X-Plane.

ps: In the PM we mention a "download" section of the website. This isn't done yet. Sorry!

Q: There's a lot of blank pages. Why?
A: Because it's a beta site ;) Most static content is missing at the moment, partly because we concentrate most on applications and functions, partly because we don't know yet what to put there exactly. So any suggestions are very welcome.

Any other questions, suggestions etc. can be posted anytime here or (preferably) in the forum's Beta section.

Have fun!
Norbert Woeller
Peter Schindler
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