Questions from a new guy

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Today 9:26 PM
can i make my own route, or choose where I depart and arrive or do I have to choose from the flight search list?
what is the difference between basic advanced and professional?

I will add questions as I think of new ones
and I know there are lots of threads about this but i don't want to hijack someones' thread
Welcome Sean,

You can select the 'charter flight' from the dispatch centre menu on the left, and select your own aircraft, departure and destination airport.

In basic mode you can fly any flight available, in professional, you can only depart from an airport where there is a plane parked.

Have you read through the pilot manual available ? Has lots of useful information in it.

I chose the profesional and went to flight search and those were the only options


then i went to charter flight and then i only foundn those options, could this be because I chose professional? my aircraft should be the L-100-E or the 767-300, but they aren't there in the option for my aircraft.
Yes, in basic you can only fly certain aircraft until you build up your pilot hours. It is all explained in the pilot manual :)
Sean, your rank is a student. So if you are flying in the Professional career, you only can fly the ATR or Dash, as described in the pilot manual. Please go to your profile and select the Basic mode. Then you can fly every aircraft and you also will see your aircraft in the charter fleet (which is a B767-300 now ;) )

[Edit: Andrew, you are to fast for me :rofl: ]
OH OK thanks Norbert silly me, ill fly my way up from the ATR72. just need a skin for the Flight1ATR72-500, what would be the next two aircraft I fly?
Is it ok if i used slew to move over one taxiway? because i was on the wrong taxiway going the wrong way and then i thought slewing would be better then having the delay my departure and having to backtrack on the runway

i just found out i have done my flight but i dont see it on the active flights board.. so does my flight still count? i am recording it with FSacars
Sean Malan said:
Is it ok if i used slew to move over one taxiway? because i was on the wrong taxiway going the wrong way and then i thought slewing would be better then having the delay my departure and having to backtrack on the runway

That is entirely up to you. There are no fixed rules. If you want to fly authentically, then taxi a different route to the runway (I taxi'd to the wrong runway the other day :$ so taxi'd all of the way back and to the correct runway,) but as I say, it is up to you how you want to do it.
Edit: unless you are flying online on Vatsim or so, then it wouldn't be wise to use slew.
i just found out i have done my flight but i dont see it on the active flights board.. so does my flight still count? i am recording it with FSacars

Do you mean the active flights (shows flights that are currently happening) or the latest arrivals (shows the latest flights submitted)
If you mean active flights, have you set up the software (FSacars) correctly so it transmits your flight information to the website?
Sean, als Andrew already said, if you have set up FsAcars correctly and started before takeoff it will automatically transmit your ACARS data to the live map. If, using FsAcars, you don't see your flight in the active list, it usually means there's something wrong with the setup, and you will also have problems transmitting the pirep (obviously happened as I could not find your report).

I really suggest you read through the (as adviced several times, already) to find how to set up and use FsAcars or one of the other tools.
If you're having trouble with FsAcars you may want to try XAcars which is generally less complicated and causing less problems.
I have finally logged in a flight, sorry about all the questions and frustration i gave you guys, and i have read the instruction manual now
not really a new guy anymore but an issue im having today is the fuel, i plan my flight then it gives me the fuel i need, but it seems way way too much for what FSX says. the dispatch centre says i need 60030lbs of fuel, but FSX says ill have left 99.9% centre:247% right:99.9% fuel in my tanks. what is correct? FSX or dispatch centre?
Sean Malan said:
the dispatch centre says i need 60030lbs of fuel, but FSX says ill have left 99.9% centre:247% right:99.9% fuel in my tanks. what is correct? FSX or dispatch centre?

Sean, can you please tell me wich ACH flight this is?

In general:
1) All flights from the Shedule are planned with SID and STAR, also you will not see that in the flightplan, because the SID and STAR depends on actual wind. So you have always a little bit more fuel in the tanks (much better then less...).
2) All Charter Flights are planned direct from the Origin to the Destination. So it is a good choice to take some extra fuel.
3) There can be still some error in our aircraft performence table.

4) We are still working on a new very, very detailed flightplanning. For example, if you will fly a Charter flight in the future, you can put your route into the briefing, and then you will get the fuel, wind aloft data, and, and, and. Or you will get an error, if your route is not valid for the actual ARIAC.
Please have a look at this post:
Additional questions:
- which aircraft type was it?
- where in FSX do you get these fuel values? Is it from the fuel/weight loading?
247% center tank? :wonder:
i found it in the FSX fuel and weight option in the main menu next to flight planner. i chose the 767-300 and i went to the fuel and weight option and it gave my those figures when i enetered the fuel

and for your 247% centre tank question, i could have spread that weith out over the aircraft but i was using at to see how much fuel i required.

i have found the solution: i had some errors with squawkbox 4 and FSInn(didnt use the both at once) and i unistalled everything and installed it again but the 767-300 didnt install properly. i will fix that later in the day.
Good, Sean. Keep us updated.
There may always be differences between planning and actual flight, also depending on aircraft types. We have one performance table for each type, mostly based on the popular payware models. Only a few freeware models aren't very precise with their data. But the differences should never be that extreme.
ok, i re installed the 767 only to still have it give me the weird fuel estamations between the two. i have found that if i put a decimal in front of the last number i have about the correct amount of fuel needed for my trips. i found this out when i did a test flight a minute 24 secs ago ( time changed already). when i looked at how much fuel the dispatch centre told me i required and i started with all tanks full and recorded my starting fuel weight and flew for the trip and when i landed i recorded my fuel weight and found it about the be the correct amount. so im not sure why this has happened. i might just be crazy from boredom after having 4 weeks of school holiday im not sure. ill just do another flight to confirm my theory
Sean, you may try "Quick Fuel Planner" :

Although it is designed for Level-D 767, but certainly it is suitable for all available 767's.
I use it all the time when flying the LDS - countless miles around the world and back :)
In some cases (weather), I add an additional 4-5 tons, and always remain on the safe side.
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