Hey! Rafal (bardel)

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Today 10:53 AM
Hello dear old friend,

Just saw you on french TV.
You were at Krakow for Pope celebrations.


God bless you

Pierre :eek:
Indeed, this was at the Sanctuary of the Divine Mercy in Krakow.

We go there with my family on first Sunday after Eeaster every year as many others for the biggest celebration in the year of the Divine Mercy. This year it coincided with the celebrations of canonisation of the Popes, including the Polish Pope, so it was a "double" occasion. And I live in Krakow.
A girl approached me with a cameraman saying they were from a French TV and asked me some questions. I never thought such a fat donkey as me would be on air :lol:

The world is so small...
Hello Szymon,

Just have a look onto the Rafal's Facebook page, I share the newcast where he appears.

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