Users Local time
Today 4:30 AM
Hi all,

first of all I'm sorry for not bringing up the topic of the second hub inspection earlier, but I've been extremely busy with my real aviation work (a few days in the year it does happen) :p

Anyway, all the pilots are welcome to make a hop to EGCC, which is the next hub on the inspection list for this year.

All ACH pilots who join will be asked to contribute their comments to the HUB INSPECTION REPORT after the flight, and the compiled report will be published.

Now the details:
Having considered pilots suggestions, this time it will be a group flight of a pilot's choice - this means you can fly from anywhere you wish (it is a fly-inn adventure type), as lons as you reach EGCC on Sunday Jan 31, around 15:00 (+/-15mins) UTC..This is the only restriction, since we all need to adapt to the world clocks, made the timing available for pilots from all continents as far as practicable (and keep up with the schedule proposed for the yaear 2010). Please comply if you want to have fun 8).

Teamspeak active since .. the first pilot online decides to join on the day ;) Please be advised that we use the Teamspeak version 2, available at:
- client version.
(Teamspeak version 3 does not really work well with the ACH VA Teamspeak server)

I have found a freeware scenery at:

but have not tested it.

There is also a payware scenery available:


All pilots who missed the first inspection can and are invited to review its progress at:

Let's scare the birds and the staff at Manchester this Sunday! See you all at the apron :fly: :fly: :fly:

useful links for EGCC:

General Airport information by VATSIM UK ... ?page=egcc

EGCC Charts ... d=148.html
EGCC is very often staffed either in part or in full, but I do not request ATC coverage for hub inspections as we never know if the number of pilots participating will be big enough to engage the controllers.

However this Sunday there is going to be a big event on VATSIM - full ATC coverage.
You will find more information here:

And for X-PLANE you will find the Manchester scenery in the Air-Child Xplane forum. Sent PM to Tom Weber to get access if you do not have it already.
Cheers Tom
Hi guys - I am very sorry for disappearing just before touchdown, but had to disconnect seconds before ... I crashed (to save you the sight)... :'(

I am sorry Norbert, but the N70MB 757-200 ceased to exist... hopefully it was insured against bad pilots :(

Well, looks like my flying skills still leave a lot to acquire. Here comes the story:
I got the ils clearance above the localiser. Somehow I managed, though to retain the path. I was number two for landing but never got the landing clearance (BTW the tower spoke like a machine gun and was really hard to understand), so I went round. On the second approach I got really tight turns and again was cleared for ILS , this time much too high, above the localiser again. This time it was not that easy to disconnect the APP and retain the path - an when I thought all was all right, on short final I saw the black screen, so I only managed to disconnect ... when the black screen disappeared, the acft was hitting the ground ...

Anyway, I am sorry I could not inspect EGCC with you - I hope you had fun taxiing!

And here is the picture - thank you for joining!


All pilots flying to EGCC please send me the feedback form - those who inspected for the first time will get instructions by e-mail.

Hi folks,
i was one one of the EGCC checkers this afternoon. EDDF-EGCC
* nice scenery and landscape
* interesting runway config
* ILS inkl DME
* ATC managed my scenery problem
* good vectors
* without any strong abnormals
* ATC has a accent i really have to get used to ( especially numbers e.g. squawk/som-freqchange/ i often used "say again")
* it was my fault: had only a 1973 history-freeware FS9 scenery with really old fashioned airport layout ( e.g. missing 23L completely and some gate/taxiways --> hard to get a along during taxi)
* confusing ground charts: especially i had to mind between taxiways and holding points

Thats it so far, my experience of EGCC

Hi, Flo,

thank you for your feedback - nevertheless - I will send you shortly a form to fill in in a humorous manner, which will be published together with other pilots' reports 8)
Please have a look at the previous one:

Good evening, I want to fly from Dublin (EIDW) to EGCC. At about 14:00 UTC I connected to VATSIM, but 5 minutes later (I was still at the Gate) i have to disconnect and to cancel the whole flight (personal reasons) But next inspection...
Rafal Bardel said:
I am sorry Norbert, but the N70MB 757-200 ceased to exist... hopefully it was insured against bad pilots :(

No it is not insured against bad pilots, because there are no bad pilots at Air-Child. But it is insured against black screens :lol:
Rafal Bardel said:
..I am very sorry for disappearing just before touchdown, but had to disconnect..
Really bad luck Rafal :(
Already thought it's déjà vu - I heard you twice with the same declaration of G/A.

In sum - a very successful flight except the sudden disconnection from the network during taxi to the gate. One of the most "interesting experiences"; together with the TWR, we tested the strength of our nerves - GPWS announced the decision height, when I received permission to land (I held the G/A button already :pop: ).

With regard to the merits of the inspection - Security;
I wondered whether I was in a shelter for dogs, specifically saying sniffing dogs...when I remembered where from I arrived - Amsterdam :rofl: :p
Tomasz Wydrzynski said:
I heard you twice with the same declaration of G/A.

Yes, indeed, first no landing clearance whatsoever, then my acft going funny and ... accelerating :eek:, then my signal of going missed and then 'ACH ... say again' from the Tower... this is the moment you heard me for the second time :p

Well, one auditor less... :mrgreen:
I'm the last one who landed at EGCC.. due to some problems...
1. I was also fixing my problems in my microphone calibration for SquawkBox at the same time getting config with TeamSpeak with the help of Rafal.

2. Also conversion from PLN to RTE of flightplan using PLN2RTE resulted into a weird blank flightplan in the LEGS section of PMDG 744 FMC.

3. If only that BSOD (Black Screen of Death) of FS9 didn't appeared during T/O. I would arrive much earlier for an hour.

but It was still great to have flown on EGCC with full staff despite having problems.

next stop SCEL.. :)

-I will submit the checklist ASAP.. ;)
Hi there,

here is the final report from the EGCC inspection with your comments:

All pilots, who provided feedback - :thx:
Do not worry Genno,

You will get a chance next week - this Sunday, as far as I remember, we will visit SCEL - I will publish the details shortly.

Well, sadly this coming Feb. 21, there's a scheduled maintenance and repairs on our electric company which starts at 1200z till 1400z (8pm-10pm Local time here GMT +8).. So there's NO electricity for two hours in our home..
Well, sadly this is something I could not have provided for. But there is still a couple of inspections to do 8)

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