Flying in the UK under ATC

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Today 10:23 PM
Hi all,

I am not a frequent flier to the UK - have been there just a few times - and I noticed that an Approach controller sent me to Unicom Frequency after I descended below his sector and there were no "lower" stations present. This does not happen over Europe.

Has any of you experienced any other important differences you can expect over the UK?
Knowledge is the key to success 8)
hey Rafal,

No, only with Radar sectors for example the Eurocontrol sectors or the russian ones. They usually serve the airspace above FL245...

This type of vectoring exists in your own "backyard" Rafal ;)
Due to the limited radar coverage, approach control in Krakow provide radar service for EPKT only to 4000ft. The airplane is pushed as close as possible to the approach path, then after reaching 4000ft it's cleared for the approach. Controller will terminate radar service and HO the acft to the TWR (also applies to Lodz in case of Warsaw App). In case there is no TWR we play procedural control.

As for the UK - don't worry Rafal, no matter how many times I would fly to or through London - I never remember which CTR belongs to me :rofl:
Tomasz - with all respect - not quite true with reference to general. :no:

The thing is - in Europe - if no DEL or GND present, the TWR takes over and gives you all the clearances they should have done. If no TWR or lower station are present, APP takes over or CTR, if there are no lower stations. The same for descent and landing, in the opposite order.

At some airports (I agree) which do not normally have the APP station, as EPWR, the published procedures apply. It is also true for Krakow Approach which normally controlls also approaches for EPKT, and no further. Funny enough - only today EPKK_APP gave vectors for EPKT to an aircraft and the landing clearance ... :p

But for the UK, I flew the other day to EGCC and the CTR was present, then the EGCC_APP got me cleared for an ILS approach over EGCC_APP. Once established, I was instructed to switch to Unicom (no TWR/GND were staffed). :(

Similarly, the other day there was only CTR. I was also flying to Manchester. And below FL240 I was sent to Unicom (no 'lower' stations were on-line). Hence my question ...

:dizzy: :ffox:
Rafal we should determine what we are talking about now ? Real or VS ?

Well, I do not think I'll ever have a chance to fly an acft in real... ;) All I referred to is the world of simulation :p
Indeed, something like that I have not ever met on Vatsim
I have, on the way to Manchester the other day 8)
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