The blurries, but not the blurries...

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Today 7:22 PM
Hey guys I've got a bit of a texture issue.

My last HP laptop died (2.66 dual core, 2gig ram, 256mb NV860GS card) and I never had any problems with textures apart from the traditional blurries and they were sorted out by editing the .cfg file. I never had any probs with aircraft or autogen or airport textures, not even the infamous DXT problem with plane textures being really muddy out of the box.

I've upgraded to a new Toshiba satellite (2.76 quad, 4gig ram, 500mb ATI Radeon 5145 mobile, 64bit) and a lot of old problems are back. A quick look at the .cfg sorted the ground texture blurries, but the plane blurries were back and I had to dig out those old fix texture packs that emerged a month after the game from The problem I have is that some (not all) autogen textures are really poor (which is a pain at airports where some of the terminal building textures are actually quite nice) and also runway and taxiway textures are bad. They don't pop or seem to load they just never become crystal clear. Sometimes cloud textures are a bit blurry round the edges as well, but it's not as noticeable.

It's a pain because I recently got REX and whilst it is the bog's dollocks (and I don't think I would EVER go back) I can't enjoy any of the HD airport textures because what always loads might as well be the default textures. I know that REX is taking effect because I notice the change in overall theme for the apron and runway, but it just looks muddy.

Has anyone else had a problem like this? I'll post more detailed computer specs if needed. A quick Google just brings up solutions to the generic blurries, nobody seems to care much about autogen and apron textures, but it's really bugging me. :'(

Cheers guys. Paz.
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