[13 Feb - EPWW FIR] Tour de Pologne - Haiti charity event

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Today 4:11 AM

I would like to invite You for this event. Idea behind it is more or less same as idea behind whole Air-Child. How it look exact? During event each flight (domestic or international) that will end on one of controlled airports will be scored by some amount of virtual points. After event sponsors will give real cash to one of local, polish foundations that gather money for helping people on Haiti.

Event will take place in whole EPWW FIR (Poland), points will be scored between 16:00 and 20:00 UTC.

Depending on size of airport, and style of control around it points will be given as follows:
landings on EPWA and EPKK = 1 point
landings on EPGD, EPKT and EPPO = 2 points
landings on EPRZ, EPSC and EPWR = 4 points
landings on EPBY, EPLL and EPZG = 6 points

During whole event each of mentioned airports will have at least TWR position with controller, in addition to whole ATC coverage of whole Poland.

Current (5th feb) declared payment for single point is 0.83 EUR.

More details are available on event www:
Charts and sceneries for fs9/fsx are available on FIR www:

For x-plane users, most sceneries will convert easly to x-plane format with fs2xplane converter.
EDITED 12th feb

At this moment, 1 point equals to 1.32 EUR

I'm packing up, Have around 4000nm to fly from PANC, so around 10h tommorow to catch event.
Probably will go to nearby HUB then will fly in smaller plane to Poland, because i DONT like current EPWA control and its scored only by 1 point.

For X-planers, most maps convert beautifully from contents availavble on pl-vacc, only 3 sceneries need some additional work in overlay editor:
epsc - need deleting few trees because they import as BIIIG ones and mess all view distance (they are about 10x bigger than normal trees)
epkk - where lantern floodlight textures cover all taxiway signs (and taxiway lines are little messen and probably invisible)
epwa - need use of alternate apt.dat (fullapt.dat converted to apt.dat) and erasing few doubled taxiway textures.

Anyway - cya in Poland tommorow :)

Less than 1h left to begining...
Time ZULU: total EURO (total points). Including ACH EURO (ACH points).

At 1700z: 24.32 EUR (16 points). 0.00 EUR (0 points) by ACH.
At 1800z: 133.76 EUR (88 points). 1.52 EUR (1 point) by ACH.
At 1900z: 244.72 EUR (161 points). 1.52 EUR (1 point) by ACH.
At 2000z: 361.76 EUR (238 points). 7.60 EUR (5 points) by ACH.
At 2100z: 506.16 EUR (333 points). 7.60 EUR (5 points) by ACH.
At 2200z: 656.64 EUR (432 points). 18.24 EUR (12 points) by ACH.

Final exchage at 2200z was 1.52 Euro for each point.

During event Polish controllers reported 4 flights made by ACH pilots (in order of landings):
1754z, flight ACH5270 by Daniel Novotny (LOWW) on route LOWW-EPKK, 1 point.
1956z, flight ACH7153 by Szymon Kurzacz (EPWA) on route ESSA-EPSC, 4 points.
2120z, flight ACH7156 by Rafal Bardel (EPKK) or route EDDW-EPKK, 1 point.
2156z, flight ACH7159 by Szymon Kurzacz (EPWA) on route EPSC-EPZG, 6 points.

Thank You for participating in this event, children on Haiti will be pleased.
We helped gain 656.64 EUR of witch almost 20 EUR was "scored" by us.
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