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The list of HUB inspection reports, for your information. Will be updated as the inspections progress.
This topic is locked, for orderly reasons, to view only. If you have any comments you are welcome to place them under a correspoonding inspection thread in the forum.
VHHH HUB Inspection
EGCC HUB Inspection
SCEL HUB Inspection
Due to the fact that inspections are only followed by only a few pilots, which, I hope is only a temporary phenomenon, and I have not received feedback from most of the pilots, the listing of the partiucular hub reports has been temporarily suspended, but the inspections, of course will go as planned. Final hub report is to be expected at the end of the series.
This topic is locked, for orderly reasons, to view only. If you have any comments you are welcome to place them under a correspoonding inspection thread in the forum.
VHHH HUB Inspection
EGCC HUB Inspection
SCEL HUB Inspection
Due to the fact that inspections are only followed by only a few pilots, which, I hope is only a temporary phenomenon, and I have not received feedback from most of the pilots, the listing of the partiucular hub reports has been temporarily suspended, but the inspections, of course will go as planned. Final hub report is to be expected at the end of the series.