Fly-in THE MOSQUITO 28 Feb - innvitation to/from Romania

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Today 4:58 AM
Hi all,

ACH VA have just been invited by ROVACC to take part in the event described below:

The Mosquito Flyin

28 February 1859: the first satirical-humorous newspaper was launched in Bucharest, Romania. The newspaper was called "Tantarul" ("The Mosquito").

28 February 2010: we'd like to awaken your sense of humor with a fun flyin. Us Romanians enjoy finding humor out of every little thing; what we call "haz de necaz", or in the words of Monty Python: "always look on the bright side of life".

Come enjoy life and full staffing at Bucharest-Otopeni, Romania (LROP) on 28 February 2010 between 1600 and 2100 UTC.

Charts, routes, a wonderful scenery, and some fun on .

At your service,
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