Users Local time
Today 4:45 AM
Hi all,

just a short note to draw your attention to the fact that:

Our EVENTS CALENDAR is back! :LOL: and available directly from the main site page.

Great many thanks, Peter!
Me like it much.. :lol:

Its good to see that calendar is functioning again.. =)
but it seems July till September are busy days... (no activities)
Yes, indeed, Genno. There are no events planned for this period.

Normally during big events the number of ACH pilots participating hardy exceeds 7-8 :'( , (which needs to grow). Many of the pilots who join the events, are from Europe (Genno, I know you are a very active pilot :) ). July-August is a summer holiday period in Europe, and it would be difficult to attract a group of pilots big enough for an event.

There will be two more inspections added, one in June and one in Sepetmber (FACT and DGAA).

This is why we leave this period with no events.

There is always the "Meeting Place" in the ACH On-line section in our forum, where you can invite pilots to fly in company.

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