VACC Hungary is proud to present Budapest Overload 2010

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Today 8:22 AM
This is the 9th time we are organizing this famous event. This year we would like to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Budapest Ferihegy International Airport (LHBP).

The event takes place on 8th May 2010 (Saturday). We provide full staff
service from 08:00Z to 20:00Z or even more. The flights can be booked
on . On this page you can find other
important information too.

VACC Hungary Team hopes that we can make this anniversary unforgettable.

See you on 8th May 2010.

VACC Hungary Team
Thank you for the Info Rafal.
We just have got a kind offer from the VACC Hungary Team. We can get some VA slots exclusivly for Air-Child pilots.
If you are interested, please have a look at the open Departure and Arrival slots and post here at what time you want to fly:

Air-Child now has got some free slots. Check it out at:
and book your flight for that event.
I have the above slot booked for this event.I was wondering how to go about recording it with Air-Child.I use XACars to record my flights.Would i be right in thinking that i should charter an aircraft in the normal way and use the provided flight number to enter into XACars but when flying the flight on Vatsim use the booked callsign (ACH356) ?

Steve ACH 0356
:( What a disaster.I logged on at LHBP in plenty of time to fill my departure slot but when contacting ATC for clearence i found i had a sound problem.After a couple of tweaks i got it sorted and received my clearence.I then learnt a valuable lesson..DO NOT install a new scenery without testing it before an event.I installed Aerosoft LHBP scenery yesterday and found today that with all the traffic it was killing my system :x
In the end i had to give up and disconnect.Not wanting to waste all my work i continued the flight offline and will on arrival remove LHBP scenery.

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