Mayday ... Xacars flight data problem

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Today 8:22 AM
Hope I'm posting in the right sector? :?

I made a flight from Tripoli - HLLT to Amsterdam - EHAM today approx. 6hrs and at least 1250nm, but when I sent in my pirep I noticed that the distance reported for the flight on 'my report' was about 350nm if I remembered correctly, and the total time for the flight were wrong :no: so I deleted the report with the intention of re-sending my pirep ... but guess what, I get a Xacars Pirep Error about no booking found for flight ACH7296 :x

My dilemma is that I completed the flight as the pirep data shows
OUT 09:59Z N32.6713 E013.1481 0269
OFF 10:15Z 045838
ON 15:48Z 038328 0745
IN 15:49Z N52.3511 E004.7134 00-6
FT 05:32 BT 05:49 ALT 17004
FF 007511 BF 007642 ZFW 037786
MAX C/D 2306/-1630 IAS 211 GS 282


but can't send it online :( or return the deleted pirep with the low stats :lol:
I assumed that while flying online for a while and having completed the flight offline - I still have the saved pirep on disk, I could upload my data if deleted :? ;) :oops:

Any suggestions folks ... maybe I would have to schedule another long flight to return to base - EHAM :think: as I was on some charter flights from West Africa back to base on an ATR 72-500 8)
1st leg - Ghana DGAA to Nigeria DNAA
2nd leg - Nigeria DNAA to Libya HLLT
3rd leg - Libya HLLT to Netherland EHAM
Amechi, could you send me your saved report to peter[ at ], and we will sort it out. Thank you!
Does not matter.
XAcars have little problems wit reconnecting - so if You had any problems with net connection and after losing net for while You are NOT visible in live watch on our www... That mean that XAcars will only log distance and time up to moment of losing connection.

But remember, that most important is number of flights, and that pirep with fault distance and/or time is still counted. And Unicef gets cash for number of flights. Rest of time, distance, pax/cargo stats are only for our pleasure.
I appreciate the information. :oops: :think: that translates to more short hops than a couple of long hauls :rofl: :D .

Need to re-evaluate or cancel some of my future charter flights :devil: :lol:
You will get more points for short flights. As far as i remember there is 3 points for each flight + 1 point for each hour in air. 2 flights for 1h will be worth 8 pts, in compare to single flight of 5h...
Szymon, you are correct with both of your posts above ;) Except that the distance problem is not exactly caused by XAcars (well, in a way it is). XAcars strangely does not record flown distance (or, if it does, it doesn't send the data with the pirep). Therefor I wrote a script that records distance from the live stream in a temp database. And, indeed, it seems that if the acars stream loses net connection the distance is not properly recorded. Hope we can fix this one day (or XAcars will include flown distance value).

@Amechi: sorry, I still didn't update your data but I got your e-mail and I'm on it ;)
Yes Peter, we talked bout that problems last time in similar topic :)

Need to fly somewhere... Already got 2nd monitor running, so only need to get few hours free time to fly :)
... AirChild 0331 did you say you have valuable cargo to be delivered? :? :eek:

0331 with you chief, I have flight data for ACH7296. Need it to be delivered. :lol: :rofl:

AirChild 0331 situation presently IFR, :lol: ... you are cleared to fix WAIT and hold for futher instructions. :p

chief, 0331 proceeding to fix WAIT and hold for futher instructions. :think: :p :hi:
ummm, ACH0331 stand by, please ..... we have huge delays due to a massive mash cloud coming from southern Iceland, Ireland or some other land ....

ok, you caught me lying .... of course it's just due to a totally incompetent controller ....
stand by anyway .... help is on the way .... :lol:

now, where did I put these files ? :S
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