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Today 2:44 PM
I was wondering how many Air-Child pilots fly on the IVAO network ?
I always find that the software for IVAO is more user friendly and the network seems to have better atc coverage over Europe.I have found that Vatsim connection software,both FSINN and SB4 is no longer to be developed unlike IVAP for IVAO.
What are the thoughts of my fellow pilots ?

Hi Steve,

Thx for thoughts.
There is in every VA a pilot group in favour and another one not in favour for IVAO or Vatsim.
My personal opinion is that in Vats the ATC is better, more prof. but in IVAO te supporting software Dbases for flp's etc are better.
I have exp with both on diff VA's
In my opinion it would be a good ideae to have in ACH the possibilty to fly on both.

Kind Rgrds,

Steve, we don`t have planned this. Four years ago, we began to work on Air-Child. At this time we haven`t had a preverence for VATSIM or IVAO. Two years later, in September 2008 we made announcements in different forums (also in VATSIM and IVAO forums) that we are looking for beta testers. After some weeks, 95% of the new beta testers was comming or flying at the VATSIM network, and 5% at IVAO. So the current status of Air-Child is result of it`s history.
My opinion to fly on VATSIM has also something to do with history. I`m flying online since 1999. At this time VATSIM (former SATCO) was much bigger then IVAO. I also have tetstet IVAO often, But I found out that VATSIM controllers where more skilled. So it was much more funny to fly at a network with more and better controllers. If you are flying such a long time at one network, you will meet many gentle people and friends. So for me there is no discussion: If I`m flying online, I will fly on VATSIM.
But I know, that also on IVAO many, many gentle people are working.

Steve, I think that VATSIM is very user friendly. And there is no need to work on SB4 or SB3 (for FS9) at this moment. And if you are using our "File Plan to VATSIM" function, you only have to start SB3 or SB4, select your aircraft, enter your callsign and you are ready to go. Nothing is more easy then that.
But as I have said before: That is my personal opinion, but also the opinion from most of the Air-Child members yet. But we have allways open eys and ears for the suggestions of our members...

Best regards
HI, im on IVAO network too, coz in my country, IVAO was the most used.
and im on IVAO worldtour using Air-Child Fleet, of course with ACH callsign ;)
Good afternoon from a VATSIM pilot and IVAO controller!

I´ve been flying on VATSIM for a bit more than 2 years now.
I´ve enjoyed very skilled controllers and had very little problems with
less skilled ones.

I started flying on IVAO but changed to VATSIM after about a month.
Still from time to time I do some controlling on IVAO (LOWW TWR).
However I must agree that controllers on VATSIM seem to be much more
reliable than IVAO controllers. Anyway there are lots of great and highly skilled
people on IVAO as well. In fact I didn´t have any problems with most of the IVAO
controllers and pilots. In my opinion they just don´t take things that serious.

For online flying I´d most likely preffer VATSIM, due to the excellent controllers and
great ressources.

However, looking forward to having you on my freq soon...
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