flight adding

Users Local time
Today 2:32 AM
G'day guys!

Today I was flying from Hong Kong Chep Lap Kok to Los Angeles as ACH7501 in a 747-400 from PMDG, but at the west coast of the USA my flight sim crashed due to the famous OOM error. I really don't know what the problem was, I get this errors only with the PMDG 744.

Anyway, I'd like to ask if somebody could add this flight although I cancelled it after the crash. Flight time should be around 12 hours.

Would be great if possible! :)

Kind regards,
Reinstall PMDG with lastest patches... Should help, If not - then full FS reinstall... And little "tip" - install only things You are using, stick to 3-4 addon airplanes, turn off sceneries that You are not using (for example in Your flight US-Asia: Turn off all australia, africa, europe sceneries from addons.
Or buy Xplane ;)

I'm not sure if adding that flight will be possible.
Get yourself a copy of , it has the ability to continue fligths after OOM crashes.

Martin Von Dombrowski said:
Would be great if possible! :)
Sure is ;)
I just inserted your flight report, Martin. You got 14 hrs (charter calculation says 15.5), 6380 nm (GC = 6300) and 31 points. Hope that's about correct. Flight date/arrival time was set to that of your post. Oh, and you had 268 pax aboard, in case you didn't know ;)
Peter Schindler said:
Martin Von Dombrowski said:
Would be great if possible! :)
Sure is ;)
I just inserted your flight report, Martin. You got 14 hrs (charter calculation says 15.5), 6380 nm (GC = 6300) and 31 points. Hope that's about correct. Flight date/arrival time was set to that of your post. Oh, and you had 268 pax aboard, in case you didn't know ;)

Aaah, thank you very much Peter! Now I'm really officially standing in Los Angeles. Great!

And after my holidays I'll bring the Queen back to Europe if my flight sim is cooperative aswell. :/
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