New computer help..

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Today 2:08 PM
Hi, looking at building a new pc. Just starting to look now and not in a great rush yet while I decide on things.

Now i assume Intel has took over in the cpu department, is the quad cpu the one to be going for, or stick with a duo?

Is Nvidia still the better type of gfx to go for?

I've just had a quick look about and this is what i've come up with so far.....

Comes to around £330 (420 euro)

I will need to add a psu to this also.

Will use existing harddrives and dvd drivers etc.

is there anything more I need? (sure that is everything)

Would you change any of the items for something different?

All suggestions welcome :)

Drew, you could as well have sent that to Martin via PM :)
No kidding, he knows a lot about this stuff. Ask him about the graphics especially. I'm not sure if the 9600 is the best choice. CPU and memory look pretty good though. But I'm definitely not the expert.

All I can tell is that FSX is running fine on my new office PC (although I can't use it there) with Intel core duo 3GHz, 4Gig ram and a radeon 3850 which is by far not the best from ATI. The only problem I had there was the PC shutting down after 40 minutes because of heat probs ;)

So look for a quality psu and a good cooling system.

Edit: many people say that duo core is preferable over quad core
I assumed Martin would wander on by at some point 8) and thought others you have invited may have some knowledge on pc's

If duo is the better option, for around the same price, i can get

Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 (3.16GHz) Socket 775 Wolfdale 1333FSB 6MB L2 Cache

So a 3.16 duo v 2.4 quad :?

Why are there so many option :lol:
If you will get the bet performance for the best price i would go indeed for the 8x series of intel. Reason is they are built on a 'thinner' base than the 6600 series and so way easier to overclock. I have the 8400 of intel and running on 4 GHz while the temp stays around 45 C under full load with a normal stock fan:)
Price performance wise i would choose the MSI NX8800GT-T2D512E-OC Video Card It's extremely fast and good quality for a modest price. It still is considered one of the very best cards in that range.
And with the latest drivers you don't need nhancer anymore either to run it nicely with fs :)

About psu, make sure you spend a bit more and get a branded one, minimum 450 watt
So, what was that all about women?
can't find that card in any of the online shops i know over here. :(

I've found a couple of 8800gt cards by msi though, are any of these comparable? Links clickable

Also what about the quad v duo situation?

Girls? Did someone mention girls? 8)
That specific card I mentioned is Over Clocked at factory already and delivers very good performance. I would really search for that card if I were you. The other cards you mentioned are noticeably slower
Ok, after much searching and advice, this is what i've come up with now (completely different to original :lol: )

Martin, Peter, anyone else :) how does that look?

Comes to just under £400 total.
Looks good 8)
Personally I'd maybe go for a stronger psu but that's just my experience with memory and disk errors or sudden reboot due to insufficient power, so i took the habit of rather overpowering ;)

beginning of this year I put some new components in, and am averaging 75-115 fps in FS 9with all sliders open and heavy clouds and intricate scenery

.Processor:Intelcore 2DU E6420 2.13 ghz 1066 FSB 4 mb box s775.


2x 1 gb kingston ddr2-667p/n kvr 667 d2n5/1g

Motherboard: AS ROCK 4 CORE DUAL-SATA 2, D-DDR 1+2 agp+pci-e, S775 C2Q





I,m not a computer geney, but Bram Hoogland my son -in law was the GURU and installed it for me. :)
Peter Schindler said:
Looks good 8)
Personally I'd maybe go for a stronger psu but that's just my experience with memory and disk errors or sudden reboot due to insufficient power, so i took the habit of rather overpowering ;)

Stronger PSU is not the most important, it's how stable it can deliver amperage to the several parts of your pc. The psu drew mentions is quite good in fact and should be able to do the job without any problem. I have a 480 watt psu (sharkoon) and never had a single problem.
I have one 550 Watt no-name and nothing but troubles, now I only use that one to power some disk cabinet;)
oooooooo, some goodies arrived today


The 500watt psu was out of stock when I ordered, so got the same make but the 700watt version...

Though, all of it is useless, as the processor isnt here yet :roll:
Lol, I wasn't too serious. Was just wondering why my side menu was suddenly in the username column ;)
Thanks, anyway!
Geez what a nightmare.

Got all my parts. put it all together, put the wires all neat :)

Press power, system starts, and freezes at the first splash screen :(

No way of getting into bios or anything :(

Guess mobo is ****** or so :(

So back on old system, with new psu and gfx - but even this is being weird with me now.
I have to press tab on the first screen, when before it just went passed it if i pressed nothing.

Wont boot to windows unless i put the windows cd in drive

Nightmare all around really.

But, cant keep a good man down 8)
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