X-Acars: the same route in every flight

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Today 7:20 AM
Hi !
I have little problem with PIREPs from my X-Acars. Everything was ok, but some weeks ago I reinstalled my windows and my X-Acars now don't work correct.

The problem is: my PIREP from last 2 flights is ok with altittude, headings etc, but... in route label.. there is always the same route from Warsaw to Germany. It's my old, old old flight which I was do lot time ago.

For information, during loading flight data from X-ACARS there is good route.

I know that it's not a very big problem, but I don't like see this after every flight. You can see my last flights PIREPs, EPKK-LIRA and LIRA-EPKK.

Please help me.
BTW, sorry for my bad english, but I hope you understand me.

Mateusz Baran said:
there is always the same route from Warsaw to Germany
groundhog day?? :rofl:

no, seriously, I think I found the problem. Has to do with the way we combine acars data and pirep data for XAcars. Only makes me wonder why no one else had the same problem. I will try to fix this, asap.

Just out of curiosity, Mateusz: why did you change from FsPax to XAcars?
well, I changed the script, monitored the last 2 flights by Günther and Enric and the good news is, it looks as if I didn't include any new bugs ;) but you never know, so please report if anything weird happens.

Just like the total distance, XAcars does not send the flightplan with the pirep data (only with acars data). So we take this from the temporary database, same as with distance and remaining fuel. I have rewritten the part to reset the temp data before any new flight, and I hope it works better now. At least, your "unstoppable" flight plan should definitely be erased now, Mateusz ;)
OK, thank you so much!
I leave house for 5 days, so I don't know when I will try how it works now.
Mateusz: why did you change from FsPax to XAcars?
I have FS PAX, but I can't find 15 minutes to install this and configure :p
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