[23./24.10.10] LOWW/LOWI - Finally Austria 2010

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Today 8:15 AM

Facts about Finally Austria 2010:

• over 25 Controllers will meet in Vienna to staff the ATC station
• Vienna Schwechat (LOWW) and Innsbruck Kranebitten (LOWI) will be fully staffed! More Airports depending on availability
• hence, the whole Austrian airspace will be available at full service on the weekend from the 23rd until the 24th of October 2010

What do I need as a pilot to participate?
• high spirits and flight-preparation!
• time: Saturday from 11am to 11pm and Sunday from 10am to 6pm (reduced staffing after 6pm)
• find charts, infos and scenarios from LOWW and/or LOWI at http://www.vacc-austria.org

For the first time we arrange an open day!
You can look over the controller’s shoulders and experience the reverse side of VACC-Austria.
Again, we would like to invite particularly the pilots. It will be definitely a cool event to meet, talk shop, exchange experience or to simply drink a beer together. Of course cold drinks will be provided.

Finally Austria 2010

Saturday, 23rd of October 2010 from 09.00am to 09.00pm UTC
Sunday, 24th of October 2010 from 08.00am to 04.00pm UTC

open day
Saturday, 23rd of October 2010 from 12.00 am to 05.00pm UTC

BENA Office Cityport
Simmeringer Hauptstrasse 24
1110 Vienna

Enjoy yourself and we are looking forward seeing you at Finally Austria 2010!

Only a few days left - on Saturday there will be 14 stations online for 20 hours. This means, we have 280h online ATC for your flight experience! So, choose one of our main airports, LOWW or LOWI - or take one of our cute and challenging regional airports now and be part of one of Europes biggest VATSIM events!

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