ADRENALINE AIR PROJECT (not an event this time)

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Today 9:16 AM
Dear Pilots,

on behalf of PL-VACC I have been authorised to invite you to participate in a project which is called "ADRENALINE AIR".

Adrenaline Air (ANL) is a very specific airline. It has no website, no roster, no livery or logotype. No staff, no pireps. It is called up only when an OTS or Practical Controller Examination is taking place at a particular location (so far only in Poland, but we are working on extending the idea abroad).

All pilots who participate in the project receive their specific callsign ANLXXXX for once and for all. If there is a practical atc test to come, ANL pilots will be notified by e-mail in advance. There is absolutely no obligation to fly at every single exam, just whenever you have time and want to have some fun.

Pilots who fly to/from an exam location using ANL callsign (Adrenaline XXXX) may expect to be asked (but this will not necessarily happen) by the examiner to simulate a specific situation, i.e. to read back incorrectly, deliberatly confuse taxiways, set altimeter, perform a g/a, etc. For higher rank exams (CTR+for example), they will be a part of a scenario, i.e. will be asked to fly and "pause" their aircraft at a certain fix and altitude, and when all ANL pilots are ready they will be "released" all at one go. This is just an example of what can happen :mrgreen:, please note however, that no pilots will ever be asked or allowed to simulate "malperformance" maliciously or unfairly towards the ATC candidate.

As Adrenaline Air is not really an airline in the strict sense of this word, it will not in any way interfere with membership of ACH or any other airlines.

There is also a "hidden" scoring system for ANL flights. For CTR exam flight pilots gets 2 score, for APP and TWR - 1 score, for GND -2 score. Scoring available by e-mail request.

The proposal to participate in the project is addressed at pilot who are really experienced and skilled in flying online. There is no "lower" flying hours limit to be accepted, but you must be sure that you can handle and be able to simulate all kinds of situations.

If you feel attracted and would like to take part, please respond to this post or to me via PW.
That sounds like a fantastic idea. I'll be happy to join in, my CID is 1137064 if you need any more info ask.
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