How we fly events online

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Today 1:13 PM
Getting curious Rafal :?
Re: Christmas Time - event coming up

Good, you should be. Better get trained in piloting cagro aircraft! Flying high ... and low .. :?
Re: Christmas Time - event coming up

Well, I can spill some beans. Reserve about 3 hours on December 19th, starting fom 17:30 UTC. ;)
Re: Christmas Time - event coming up

There is no difference, as long as you fly online. We will fly on Vatsim. You can use any system you wish ;)
Re: Christmas Time - event coming up

Rafal Bardel said:
Well, I can spill some beans. Reserve about 3 hours on December 19th, starting fom 17:30 UTC. ;)
Actually the date may be 18th - we're veryfing it, but this is up to the ATC who agreed to help us. Will keep you updated.
Re: Christmas Time - event coming up

Dear Pierre-Nicolas,

Either FS2004 or FSX or Xplane have the capability of flying in the network. We do not create any special multiplayer session. We use VATSIM, a global network. Whichever platform is used by pilots, they can connect to Vatsim network, and all the aircraft are visible, no mater which platform is used for simulation. Vatsim provides ATC by real people, operates 24hrs a day and many of ACH pilots are controllers, too.
This is ACH preferred network, we use it for all ACH online events, such as this one. You can find more in formation on .
Re: Christmas Time - event coming up

"Every aircrafts are visibile" on some sort of map or visually?

I don't play much online my headset decided to bust for no reason at all and its tiring to have to get close to the laptop screen to talk :p
Re: Christmas Time - event coming up

Airplanes are fully visible for other pilots when flying in VATSIM. They show up on Your simulator same style as NPC traffic, depending on witch simulator You are using, witch connection software (FSinn/Sbox) and how correct flightplans are filled by other pilots You may see fully detailed airplane, with correct livery or universal "paper" airplane with big ? on side if connection software can not display specific airplane model.

Exacly that is connected as follows:
For flight simulator we have FSinn and squawkbox software.
For Squawkbox we are limited to some liveries available in airplane package installed with squawkbox. If SB can't recognise other player airplane You will get paper aircraft with ? mark on it.
For FSinn You have some kind of aircraft libraries, but if FSinn can't find model it will use default specified model airplane available in flight simulator. In addition You can force FSinn to show each and every player as specified airplane from whole airplane list available in simulator, including AI traffic. That mean that You can have all other players visible as for example Cessna aircraft, or 737, BUT You can leave aircraft show for FS Inn and have more or less correct airplanes of specified users. Also You can select that player ACH3012 will fly in cessna in Your simulator, and player FDX0032 will fly in MD11 etc.

For X-plane we have only xsquawkbox software with very limited number of airplane models available. It will try to compare model with player aircraft, and if will not find it will use one of installed models as "default" for every other airplane that can not be displayed in correct way.

Thats is for flying in simulator. We have full 3d model representations for other players. BUT we have also traffic controllers. They have radar screens where players are visible as moving dots. They may use flight simulator with some radar clients to visualise traffic when they are on Topwer, Ground, Delivery or other airport contol station, so they may simulate, that they sit on tower with binoculars and not only observe traffic on radar, but also try to look for traffic visually.
Ahh.. had issues with my squawkbox if anyone can help, after installing it when I start FSX, FSX notifies me of an error loading the squawkbox module
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