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Chapter list:
1. Short story from hostory
2. Description of problem
3. Problem solving ideas
4. Conclusion
Chapter 1: Short story from history.
Long time ago, in a galaxy, far, far away...
Ooops, wrong story.
Not so long ago i had joined ACH pilots with idea to fly quite often and make some real healp for poor. That was already some time ago, now i think, over half year ago.
How fast that time flows. Before summer holidays i lived in other house, during that holidays i moved to new apartment. That movement bringed some problems, and some new ideas for life. Most important for this topic was change in net provider. But will get back to that l8tr. I flied some time on XPL9 in old house (with Neostrada connection) with no problems at all, My last send pirep was from that time. After moving to new apartment i began to have some problems with time to fly, but that quite fast changed. I've bagon to fly...
Chapter 2: Description of problem.
Here i have now Aster net connection via wifi router. Names does not matter, and type of connection also, anyway for most of You, but will be important for Poles, witch i would like to ask for help now, but that l8tr in chapter 3. Anyway i started my flights, few longest ones ended with total X-palne application crash. I've made little investigation with bringed absolutely nothing. Now i know that there was some problem with some plugin probably, witch caused crashes of sim in exact moment of losing net connection in wifi router signal. Anyway that time i deleted XPL and reinstalled FS9, but had very limited time to fly and whole summer ended. Now i reinstalled XPL in preparation of Fly See Santa event of Finland FIR. Anyway all stuff is working nice, all airplanes, no crashing of anything (craching my airplanes into buildings during some offline flights is planned). But there is still one little problem that makes me totally unable to fly with AirChild.
During my investigations i had idea that we may have bugged DB or some part of scripts from sending XAcars pireps from sim to DB. Now i think that my problem is on mine side of cable connection and not in DB. SImple observation: if there is bug in script or DB then nobody will be able to send pirep via Xacars. But only i have that problem. So that must be my side problem. Simultaneously i have fresh, clean install of Xplane, Xacars and other stuff connected with that, so that all is not cause of my software. There is only one option left - connections/router problems.
My provider blocks my outside IP from outside access. I have noticed that i have absolutely NO problems with getting flight data from our DB during flight preparation BUT my XAcars cant connect with LiveWatch or send PIREP (only error is strange, because it calls that it cant find booked flight number ACHxxxx). So probably i can only download data but cant send. Currently i have no opportunity to check if i will be able to upload my PIREP from other comp that is on other type of connection. So time for chapter 3.
Chapter 3: Problem solving ideas.
According to my current knowledge i would like to check few opportunities witch includes help from other ACH pilots as follows:
1. Would like to check if my PIREPS can be uploaded from other comp with other net connection. That will need to find other pilot with XACARS, who will upload my config file and try to upload my pirep.
2. Would need information (if that will be possible) from other Pole that also have Aster net connection, if he can upload any pirep via Xacars, and/or above - mine pirep.
Getting above data probably will confirm my thoughts about option to download without send.
Problem is very limited, because of X-plane. I can install FS9 and get FSPAX/Keeper (demo, for checking upload options), but i plan to move into Linux this summer, so i will be limited to Xacars only, witch don't work on my comp right now (neither as XPL plugin or standalone fs9 version). And i more like XPL than FS series.
Solutions for my specific problem:
1. I can try to get "proxy" comp for uploading pireps, witch probably will fail, because of running soft on other comp and place, long solution for sending more pireps. I will not say that i want fly 1 flight per day. Sending 1 pirep per week may be possible, but with some rare occasions i may like to fly few flights per day, witch will make solution hard to manage, and may be needed other person involved into sending.
2. Problem may be limited for to only Aster connection and X-plane users, witch is uncommon configuration, so solution may not be common need. Solution nuber 2 is no solution - leaving all as is.
3. Problematic solution, or calling ugly solution. Exacly option for Manual PIREP form. Option available for all pilots that have problems with managing XAcars or FS Acars, who cant afford payware, or are limited (like X-planers with XAcars). Disadvantage is some kind of losing control above correct flight data entries. Anyway web form with filling basic data like start time, end time, flight level, flightplan etc. more or less data that can be visible in our acars software after ending flight. Something that will allow disabled Xun to upload his PIREPS
4. Hard coded solution. Getting new software for uploading acars, witch will work with X-plane and (if possible) FS. That mean looking for something new, or writing that from scratch. But like i've said - hard solution is this. Advantage would be total control over what is collected, how is collected, saved, what is sended to livewatch and how often, etc. One thing we know for sure, is that all our Sims can send some basic data via fsuipc or xuipc to memory, from where can be readed and writed by our acars.
Chapter 4: Conclusion.
Would like to have little help here, especially from Poles with Aster connection, to compare some observations and ideas of AirChild.
Also would like to discuss about "manual pirep web form", but probably will put that in other topic on forum as suggestion. Some of us have some problems with soft, not only in sending wrong data via automatic software options.
Last thing is that i will check some of my ideas during this holidays, probably exacly at 25th december. That will be exacly if i can upload pirep from my old location and connection, including other comp, witch will partially confirm that my problems are caused by connection.
One thing i'm sure. I will stay with X-plane (and XAcars as follows) and my current net connection (price factor). So my field is quite limited in use for this time. But i would like also to send some pireps, witch may need of findind good soul, that may like to install Xacars for FS and use it only for me to send my pireps (as mentioned person will use other software for sending his/her own pireps, those two acars will not collide with each other, including config files).
Thank You for reading and looking for help solution. If any
Any ideas are welcomed.
As Post Scriptum: probably i will not fly during end of year events, because of limited time during end of year. Actuallt family meetings and other stuff that style. Including preparation for my wedding. But that is mentioned in other topics - specified for exact events. Have fun and good landings
Chapter list:
1. Short story from hostory
2. Description of problem
3. Problem solving ideas
4. Conclusion
Chapter 1: Short story from history.
Long time ago, in a galaxy, far, far away...
Ooops, wrong story.
Chapter 2: Description of problem.
Here i have now Aster net connection via wifi router. Names does not matter, and type of connection also, anyway for most of You, but will be important for Poles, witch i would like to ask for help now, but that l8tr in chapter 3. Anyway i started my flights, few longest ones ended with total X-palne application crash. I've made little investigation with bringed absolutely nothing. Now i know that there was some problem with some plugin probably, witch caused crashes of sim in exact moment of losing net connection in wifi router signal. Anyway that time i deleted XPL and reinstalled FS9, but had very limited time to fly and whole summer ended. Now i reinstalled XPL in preparation of Fly See Santa event of Finland FIR. Anyway all stuff is working nice, all airplanes, no crashing of anything (craching my airplanes into buildings during some offline flights is planned). But there is still one little problem that makes me totally unable to fly with AirChild.
During my investigations i had idea that we may have bugged DB or some part of scripts from sending XAcars pireps from sim to DB. Now i think that my problem is on mine side of cable connection and not in DB. SImple observation: if there is bug in script or DB then nobody will be able to send pirep via Xacars. But only i have that problem. So that must be my side problem. Simultaneously i have fresh, clean install of Xplane, Xacars and other stuff connected with that, so that all is not cause of my software. There is only one option left - connections/router problems.
My provider blocks my outside IP from outside access. I have noticed that i have absolutely NO problems with getting flight data from our DB during flight preparation BUT my XAcars cant connect with LiveWatch or send PIREP (only error is strange, because it calls that it cant find booked flight number ACHxxxx). So probably i can only download data but cant send. Currently i have no opportunity to check if i will be able to upload my PIREP from other comp that is on other type of connection. So time for chapter 3.
Chapter 3: Problem solving ideas.
According to my current knowledge i would like to check few opportunities witch includes help from other ACH pilots as follows:
1. Would like to check if my PIREPS can be uploaded from other comp with other net connection. That will need to find other pilot with XACARS, who will upload my config file and try to upload my pirep.
2. Would need information (if that will be possible) from other Pole that also have Aster net connection, if he can upload any pirep via Xacars, and/or above - mine pirep.
Getting above data probably will confirm my thoughts about option to download without send.
Problem is very limited, because of X-plane. I can install FS9 and get FSPAX/Keeper (demo, for checking upload options), but i plan to move into Linux this summer, so i will be limited to Xacars only, witch don't work on my comp right now (neither as XPL plugin or standalone fs9 version). And i more like XPL than FS series.
Solutions for my specific problem:
1. I can try to get "proxy" comp for uploading pireps, witch probably will fail, because of running soft on other comp and place, long solution for sending more pireps. I will not say that i want fly 1 flight per day. Sending 1 pirep per week may be possible, but with some rare occasions i may like to fly few flights per day, witch will make solution hard to manage, and may be needed other person involved into sending.
2. Problem may be limited for to only Aster connection and X-plane users, witch is uncommon configuration, so solution may not be common need. Solution nuber 2 is no solution - leaving all as is.
3. Problematic solution, or calling ugly solution. Exacly option for Manual PIREP form. Option available for all pilots that have problems with managing XAcars or FS Acars, who cant afford payware, or are limited (like X-planers with XAcars). Disadvantage is some kind of losing control above correct flight data entries. Anyway web form with filling basic data like start time, end time, flight level, flightplan etc. more or less data that can be visible in our acars software after ending flight. Something that will allow disabled Xun to upload his PIREPS
4. Hard coded solution. Getting new software for uploading acars, witch will work with X-plane and (if possible) FS. That mean looking for something new, or writing that from scratch. But like i've said - hard solution is this. Advantage would be total control over what is collected, how is collected, saved, what is sended to livewatch and how often, etc. One thing we know for sure, is that all our Sims can send some basic data via fsuipc or xuipc to memory, from where can be readed and writed by our acars.
Chapter 4: Conclusion.
Would like to have little help here, especially from Poles with Aster connection, to compare some observations and ideas of AirChild.
Also would like to discuss about "manual pirep web form", but probably will put that in other topic on forum as suggestion. Some of us have some problems with soft, not only in sending wrong data via automatic software options.
Last thing is that i will check some of my ideas during this holidays, probably exacly at 25th december. That will be exacly if i can upload pirep from my old location and connection, including other comp, witch will partially confirm that my problems are caused by connection.
One thing i'm sure. I will stay with X-plane (and XAcars as follows) and my current net connection (price factor). So my field is quite limited in use for this time. But i would like also to send some pireps, witch may need of findind good soul, that may like to install Xacars for FS and use it only for me to send my pireps (as mentioned person will use other software for sending his/her own pireps, those two acars will not collide with each other, including config files).
Thank You for reading and looking for help solution. If any
Any ideas are welcomed.
As Post Scriptum: probably i will not fly during end of year events, because of limited time during end of year. Actuallt family meetings and other stuff that style. Including preparation for my wedding. But that is mentioned in other topics - specified for exact events. Have fun and good landings