Users Local time
Today 11:09 PM
After Xmas Break time to move the birds to Brazil - with a scenic roundish flight to Bona Vista (SBBV).
With a single flight we will take of from French Guiana, cross Suriname, Guiana and land in Brasil, covering 4 countries in a single, 629 mile-long flight.

The date is Tuesday, December 28,2010, take off from Cayenne at 19:00 UTC.

The route: (SOCA) GEDAX UG443 TIM UB681 GEMOL BVI, FL260-400. (SBBV)

The SBBV scenery for FS2004:
The SBBV charts: , click on Cartas, and then type 'SBBV' in the top field in the left column. Click "Consular". Here you go.

See you there!

Freeware Flightsim:

Decoded: ;)
You need to go to, log in (free registration) and do a file search for

The direct link will not work if one has no account on
Thanks Friends for today flights. And for remember I'm adding photos.





It was a great evening. I'm expecting next leg ;)
It was my first flight in group. It was nice. I was using "TeamSpeex" (XP 9.62 and MacOS X 10.6.5) just because I though it was forced, but I was very still. Well, I am almost theaf, I mean... I hear the sounds (40%) but I cannot discriminate the consonants (s, f, b, v, etc.). I have to rebuild every sentence in my mind, using the vowels and the context. Because I can make faults in this proces I use text windows, no voice, when virtual flying. That's why I was very still the whole flight. Sometimes I heard my name in your conversations, but I had no idea what you were saying. Sorry, but there's nothing I can do about that.
Anyway, it was very nice. I was using a Fokker 100. I took some pictures when the last one was landing.


Hi Ricardo, do not worry to ask if you do not understand it is possible to speak slow and understandable otherwise ask for text please.
Did you use the FOKKER F100 WS which you can download from the .org? The one with the complete overhead and pedastal if you scroll down - the one with the .org magazin which you have to put away before startup? :)
Cheers Tom

ps. well and I see you are using the CSL models for XSQB :fly:
Did you use the FOKKER F100 WS which you can download from the .org? The one with the complete overhead and pedastal if you scroll down - the one with the .org magazin which you have to put away before startup?

I am using the F100 aircraft from the Air-Child Hangar-repaints, with the classic livery version comes also the aircraft. The .acf is older than the WS v2.3 from the .org, but it works. The WS v2.3 from the .org has no manual or instructions, too many buttons and so for trial and error. And yes, this is the one with the .org magazine. It looks better but I can't start it up good enough from cold and I can't get the AutoPilot to work fine with fms. You are a co-author of the WS v2.3 (I think), if so, do you have more information about startup engines, and autopilot and fms?

Thanks in advance
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