Help with xacars!

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I still cannot figure out how to get XACARS to work correctly!
I do all that's right; download&install xacars for MFS, change the config with the one in my downloads, start FSX and when at the gate set parking brake and turn off engines, load up XACARS and type in my flight number and i receive the flight info and everything, but the Start ACARS button remains dark!
I've tried numerous times but cannot figure that one out :(
Lets check with my xacars for FS

I have random booked flight witch specified flight number for example ACH1234, my pilot number is ACH0303.
Park at gate, set parking brake, turn off engines.
Start Xacars.
Enter flight number ACH1234 then click Get ACARS Flightdata.
All of fields should fill automatically and give You option to start flight (New Flight/Start Flight), only need to fill OFFLINE/VATSIM/OTHER field.

Do You play as above?
Did you change something in your profile after you downloaded your XAcars-file?
If so, you must download it again (because of the changes).
It's just another possibility...
Does Xacars have any status message to say it is connected with FS9?

Sounds like it is connecting with the Air Child server (as you are getting the flight info) but it is not seeing flight sim.
Any option to point it to your fs9 directory?
I've done everything I've read about, even run XACARS as administrator!

Just take a look at the screenshot and tell me if theres something wrong in my settings:
(only shows half the screenshot if I post an image here)

And no, there isnt anything in the XACARS folder allowing me to point it to my FSX folder
Pierre, When you install add-ons (planes, scenery etc) does the installer automatically locate your FSX folder destination? or do you usually have to browse and point the installer to the FSX directory?

Just wondering if the FSX registry is messed up and needs fixing.
Well usualy planes or sceneries I download come up in a .rar or .zip so they go to Downloads, then I put everything back in order, but XACARS doesn't have any options to tell it where FSX is
Looks ok for me... So it may be FSUIPC problem.
March 3rd 2010
You don't need registered version but You need that for almost every single add-on aplication You are using with FSX.

Your screen shows that You have actual version of Xacars and it have no problems with importing data, but can't check if plane has engines running or not, same for brake.

Check You r FSUIPC installation, if You have it, if not - install it.
Szymon Kurzacz said:
Looks ok for me... So it may be FSUIPC problem.
March 3rd 2010
You don't need registered version but You need that for almost every single add-on aplication You are using with FSX.

Your screen shows that You have actual version of Xacars and it have no problems with importing data, but can't check if plane has engines running or not, same for brake.

Check You r FSUIPC installation, if You have it, if not - install it.

That actually worked! thanks for the help that'll save me frustration when I forget to enter the correct flight number on FSPassengers (and that happens once every 6 flights so its quite annoying)
Well, one last question as I ran on a real bad luck streak tonight on my flight :(

Makes me quite mad too. After 4 hours during the flight my FSPassengerX wouldn't react to commands, so I tried to refresh it and it said I teleported so it ceased recording the flight!!!
(It seems it got stuck about 100 miles behind and when i refreshed 100 miles ahead it stopped recording the flight)

But I had XACARS running so I thought "Ah doesn't matter"

Then, after my entire flight is done, I set parking brake and stop the engines, I check XACARS, it says flight over blocktime 05:27 but I can't find how to send the PIREP manually :( yes I have the file from my files on my profile, and I disabled "Enable PIREP" on Xacars so I dont end up sending 2 flights report when my FSPX I lost all the data of my flight from KSFO to KJFK (blocktime 5h27m, 2,242 nm)
Pierre-Nicolas Roy said:
I disabled "Enable PIREP" on Xacars so I dont end up sending 2 flights report
As far as I could see there's 2 entries in the xacars.ini:
EnablePIREP = 1
AutoPIREP = 1
To avoid sending a duplicate report it should be sufficient to disable auto pirep, imo. If you had your XAcars report saved you can try to re-enable pireps, load your report and try to send it. If all fails, send your report to peter[ at ] and I'll transmit it for you.
That's my current issue, FSPX crashed so theres no reports to take from that and I couldn't figure how to save XACARS pirep! Didn't see any "Save" buttons and I thought I had to stop recording the flight in order to get the pirep but when I hit sstop it just reset everything

I've turned off the PIREP option on the PREFERENCES window not in the .ini
That's my current issue, FSPX crashed so theres no reports to take from that and I couldn't figure how to save XACARS pirep! Didn't see any "Save" buttons and I thought I had to stop recording the flight in order to get the pirep but when I hit sstop it just reset everything

I've turned off the PIREP option on the PREFERENCES window not in the .ini

Well, nevermind, since there's no proof at all of my flight (for some odd reason my FSX stopped adding my flighs to the flight logs) I'll just select another flight and do it again :oops:
After finishing flight, turning off engines and set parking brake in xacars window You will have send and save options in "view pirep" area. You may then send on demand and/or save logged pirep for future use.
Pierre-Nicolas Roy said:
... when I hit sstop it just reset everything
I've turned off the PIREP option on the PREFERENCES window not in the .ini
Try to enable the pireps. Normally they shouldn't be sent automatically.
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