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Today 10:12 PM
Tomorrow's route will take us through the Ecuadorian Andes with stunning views of the volcanoes Cotopaxi, Chimborazo and Sanguay with the end in Catamayo Valley - Loja


Well ladies ;) , in front of us one of the most spectacular stages so far !
If you thought that Kai Tak is the highest level of adrenaline - you'll rather change your hairdresser :rofl:

La Toma, Camilo Ponce Enriquez, or simply Loja is our next destination. Coded as SETM or in some cases (newest AIRAC) SECA is one of the most dangerous airports in the world.
Due to strong air movements caused by the proximity of the surrounding mountains and temperatures during the day, all landing takes place only in the mornings and evenings hours when the air cools down.
This is not the only thing that makes you sweat there. The approach itself requires the highest pilots skills.

But let's start from the beginning:
departure from Quito via QIT UW5 GIRON, short 250Nm, comfortable FL290/350 depending on you, although for nice views 290 is the best ;)
From the GIRON point go straight to the LOJ NDB descending to 16000ft, after passing the mountain top continue descend to 12000ft to be at by LOJ with 160KT (figure A)
Afterwards turn left (to figure B) hdg 150 descending to 9000ft reducing speed to approx. 140KT, remain with 1min.
Fly visualy from B to C descend to 7000ft . After reaching the C point continue along the hillside to point D descending to 5000ft (2'nd image)

Below the C to D part (base). Keep the plane straight to the 1/2 of the small hillside (like checker board in Kai Tak :) ). You should have the runway in sight (!) otherwise interrupt the approach, climb 12000ft to LOJ and hld. If everything is okay continue to the fix. When you pass the hillside the rest is more or less teardrop landing ;)

See you tomorrow in SEQU at 1900Z ;)
All stuff at (downloads)
(Mesh is a must have ! For more accuracy edit your FS9.cfg like this: TERRAIN_MAX_VERTEX_LEVEL=24)

Hi Tom,
nice approach - unfortunately I cannot get the pics server timeout all the time. Can you tell me how long are the legs from A-B B-C C-D D-RW06? Approximate is enough.

Cheers Tom
Tommi, firs of all remember that this "procedure" means continuous descend. There's no exact descend rates because you adjust them according to the speeds :)
Doing 160Kt from A in 1 minute to B (where A represents Loja NDB) you're about 2,7 Nm from A + 1,4 Nm for the 25' turn. You can safely exted the turn radius to win some distance, ther will be enough ground clearance.
The downwind leg (B-C) goes visualy until you're aligned with the hillside (being at this stage you see the runway, so you can turn to do the base visualy). The C to D turn should be made at full landing configuration (focus at 140Kt).
Being on base leg don't lose the RWY, read the landing checklist, reduce speed to roughly 130 or less (believe me, you'll need low speed for the final turn) and land safely ;)

Double-checked with B752 (! lol) - it works ;)

Small request to Ricardo - Unfortunately, despite several attempts to learn Spanish :) I don't understand fully what the pilot says (in the YT film). Could you please translate a bit ?
Tomasz Wydrzynski said:
Tommi, firs of all remember that this "procedure" means continuous descend. There's no exact descend rates because you adjust them according to the speeds :)
Doing 160Kt from A in 1 minute to B (where A represents Loja NDB) you're about 2,7 Nm from A + 1,4 Nm for the 25' turn. You can safely exted the turn radius to win some distance, ther will be enough ground clearance.
The downwind leg (B-C) goes visualy until you're aligned with the hillside (being at this stage you see the runway, so you can turn to do the base visualy). The C to D turn should be made at full landing configuration (focus at 140Kt).
Being on base leg don't lose the RWY, read the landing checklist, reduce speed to roughly 130 or less (believe me, you'll need low speed for the final turn) and land safely ;)

Double-checked with B752 (! lol) - it works ;)

Small request to Ricardo - Unfortunately, despite several attempts to learn Spanish :) I don't understand fully what the pilot says (in the YT film). Could you please translate a bit ?
Small request to Ricardo - Unfortunately, despite several attempts to learn Spanish I don't understand fully what the pilot says (in the YT film). Could you please translate a bit ?
Because of the sound of the motors I can't understand what the pilot say, except for some isolated words. He says something like "we come from 7000 feet", "we can't go because of the mountains".
I wish I could help you but I can't. I can't understand what people says when there are other sounds. Everything is the same to me (even strong), I can't filter the voices.
Re: ACH FLYING CLUB LEG XV - La Toma for xplane

For xplane pilots here comes the SEMT LA TOMA scenery. A nice convert from the guayaquil-fir hompage. Thnx to Hartmut.
Link will expire after the event:
Forgive my forgetfulness Ricardo, still forget that :oops:
When we're on TS I also don't remember it, and I talk all the time to you.
I promise that from now on I will write every sentence (if I don't fly manually at this time ;) )
Btw. I see that you also (I'm very) like flying in Ecuador in recent times ? :)
Life below the sea level is also beautiful :rofl:
The correct readouts for EHAM should be: 100, 50, -40, -30, -10, retard :rofl:
Enought off top, see you today in Quito ;)
Looks like a bit too much of a challenge for me. Tried that with a Cessna off line, thick clouds all-over, never succeeded in seeing the runway. Will probably stick to safer, non-kamikaze flying. :phew:

More piloting skills is what I need, I must admit this time. :S
yes weather can be a problem - but there is a easy solution - if the weather is not a visual approach weather - we switch of vatsim or rex or active sky or whatever and send the clouds up in he air - I treid it yesterday night no way to land with realwheather on. In xplane I can tell the squakbox it should download every - so this will be enogh time for approach and linding with suitable sight conditions.
Cheers Tom
Come on Rafal, you're kidding ? Think about Paro - is almost the same ;)
You might as well go to Cuenca (SECU), is equipped with the ILS (about 170nm away from Quito on route to Loja). I thought about this particular destination, but that was about too easy :lol:
However, the scenery and surroundings are also very nice.

Ok, we will arrange that if someone does not feel skilled enough to fly today to Loja goes to Cuenca. Fits ? ;)
Right, of course you can switch the weather off, but that's not simulation for me any more... One way or another, this time I do not think I can manage that landing anyway with a 738, so I'd rather keep the aircraft safe and practise a bit more before trying ;) Tried landing there, no success, so please spare me shame :S

PS. Neither was I able land at Paro. I do not need ILS to land, it's not the case :p.
Rafal Bardel said:
One way or another, this time I do not think I can manage that landing anyway with a 738, so I'd rather keep the aircraft safe and practise a bit more before trying
And this is the best proof that you are a very good pilot ;)
Don't go where ever you can not go safely :)
Rafi, fly to Cuenca, we will fly the same route anyway.
Hm, hm... don't know... Cuenca has ILS, but the runway is about 500 ft shorter than the runway at La Toma, and the weather will be the same... They are both pretty difficult. I am thinking to use the Embraer ERJ-190.
With this little difference Ricardo, that you have there straight in landing with a small ARC DME, no slalom between the mountains ;)
I think TACA operates this route on daily basis with E190 from Guayaquil ?
Sorry guys - this is to hard for me. Need more time to improve my skills and the orientation is quite difficult in xplane - tried the app 3 times - and never know where I am even with the help of the NDB or GPS. Cheers Tom :'(
Tom, fly to SECA ;)

Long time since I flew pmdg 737. Behaves a little more sluggish than "my" 752, but the landing was without any problems even with a bit off cross wind.
Ok, I promise something much simpler at the next stage ;)

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