Aircraft statistics

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Today 2:36 AM

I like idea of having our ACH airplane usage statistics. BUT :)

Problem is that we have too many airplanes, and graphs for aircraft usage are getting more and more unreadable (anyway in case of reading airplane names from graph).

Current look is more or less as visible in my excel sheet, just i missed order, mine is from lowest to highest in 2011.

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My proposal is to rotate this graph, witch will make more (possibly unlimited) space for list of airplanes. If airplanes will be showed as column (not row as current look), we could possibly show more than single screen of airplanes, without names interferring with eachother. Idea visible for same data in my excel sheet below. Sorted by highest in 2011.

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Ok, maybe a bit late, but I really support the idea, I am struggling to figure out which text belongs to which column!
Anyway the chart itself is a really good idea, I like to see the statisctics :)

I've already talked with Peter about that, and probably will make something with stats, but after finishing my home renovation problem, that means after i'll get access to files and after 15th august. So this time patience is my friend :)
Szymon Kurzacz said:
So this time patience is my friend :)
I kinda like that statement :lol:

Yes, about the aircraft stats: I'm pretty glad no one can read the types anymore because, at the moment, nothing really matches. The numbers are fetched from the database and displayed in the flash applet through an XML file. Problem: each time we add a new aircraft type, the XML template needs to be adjusted manually. Unfortunately I lost track at some point ... :oops:

Anyway, we will get away from Flash, because I discovered something better. It's a nice Javascript library called Highcharts and looks . That's just a demo, of course, and there's plenty of options for different chart types.
Main advantage is that those charts are 100% javascript and thus compatible with iPads and other mobile devices.
As you might know by now, I still don't have the time to care for any new coding projects, but I will contact Szymon in about two weeks and try to work out a concept. That ok for you, Szymon?
Quite ok, but at that point i may not have internet anymore. Currently i'm finishing packing stuff into boxes. Building team will enter apartment at 11th jul, they will make one room, then move to rest of apartment to finish job (begin rest around 14-15th). At that moment i will have to move out to other place, where i have no net, and may have limited computer access. That will not change up to 15-17th aug. During that month i may have net only via internet caffe or something like that. So any stuff i will make probably will be done in second part of august or begining of september.
Szymon Kurzacz said:
...probably in second part of august or begining of september.
That's perfectly fine, Szymon. 8)

Btw: I just replaced the old statistics with some newly (and quickly) made. Removed the aircraft stats, for now, but we will extend the section in the following weeks, when Szymon will be jumping in.
Looks very NICE...

I'm currently livin on boxes upo to next friday (7 days still) then will move to apartment without net.
FYI: I just corrected a fault in the aircraft stats - one that I had moved from the old version.
If a certain aircraft type did not exist in the previous year (like the 737C, aka B73F), all values to the right of that entry were shifted by one position. That's fixed now.
On the general flight stats, is it possible to change the 2009 / 2010 stats to go on top of the 2011, so the line shows up on top of the yellow? Hard to see where it points to when the yellow bar is hiding it.

Also the miles flown, shouldn't that be 'nm / 1000' rather than x multiplied by.
Andrew Williams said:
is it possible to change the 2009 / 2010 stats to go on top of the 2011, so the line shows up on top of the yellow?
:yawn: I knew if someone came up with something like this, it be you! :lol:

yes, should be possible, but I'm still at the beginning of finding out about all the options and settings.
Also, I'd prefer if it said 3.9 mil. miles and still keep the scale. Right now, the numbers behind the bars always display exactly what I feed to the function. If fed with 4 million, the miles bar would be 20 cm long and the flights bar half a millimeter :(
There's room for improvement .....

about your other question: I guess in England it's nm/1000 while in Germany it's nm x 1000 ....
the same difference why we drive on the better side of the road :p :p :p

I am only curious. Is it possible to make airline passengers statistics? Let's say how many passengers we carry each month? I don't know anything about the way this page is written, but in every flight report we've got number of passengers and this could be summed.

That's possible, Rafal. The numbers for passengers and cargo are actually already in the data set. You can see the raw data (looks weird but you'll get the system).
I left those numbers out, for now, because of the scaling imbalance - we have numbers from around 2000 (schedule flights) up to 26 million (freight kg). If you put it all in one chart, there would be VERY long bars and very short ones, almost disappearing. With the new scripting library I use, I still don't know how to handle that. Maybe I'll put pax and cargo in a separate chart. But they will be back ;)
I'll make bump for this thread.

We have (already) increasing number of airplane types, so our chart is again being quite tight.

Can or should we consider making it in vertical as in example in 1st post?

If we add more airplanes it will be much easier to read in that way... And i think that in not so long term we will have 787 added after concorde, or even few other airplanes (who knows?)...

Also about chart's can we add label visible after pointing chart dot over general airline statistics for past years? Currently we can only estimate numbers from vertical "round" lines, but detailed stats are visible only for current year.
After we changed from the Flash based charts to the HTML5/Javascript library we think that the display, also of the fleet stats, is quite nice. Aircraft types are not overlaying each other and can easily be read. If you think the column width is small, you can disable former years to stretch the scope.
Personally I don't think the horizontal display would improve much (if anything). Think of the current display being turned by 90 degrees - you would still have small bars, depending on how many years are displayed, and the chart will eventually be higher than your screen height, so that you need to scroll.
I recently checked the whole site on the iPad and almost everything worked and displayed nicely (except GoogleMaps stuff where we need to change the ajax calls/libraries). Horizontal fleet stats, however, would be too high for the iPad resolution.

Anyway, as I said, that's my personal opinion. If a majority prefers it the other way round we will change it. Waiting for your opinions. Some, at least ... ;)
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