Looking for HTML/PHP coders

Peter Schindler

Users Local time
Today 6:30 PM
There's quite a number of people in here now (out of 57 registered pilots there's about 30 who regularly visit the site), so I thought it's about time to cry for help. ;)
Here comes the first of several "job" offers we'll publish here in the days to come. Unfortunately you won't gain any money but instead a lot of experience! - think you guessed it ;)

We are desperately looking for html/php coders who would like to help with the website development. At the moment there's only me which is not enough if we want to get this VA airborne before FS11 will be released. And especially if we want to ensure a continuous extension and maintenance of the site in the future. So if you have some coding skills and some spare time (everything from 3 hours a week is better than nothing), please contact me at peter@air-child.com or via the PM button below.

Here's some of the qualifications we'd like to see:

Basic requirements
- good knowledge of HTML and CSS
- some experience with Photoshop or Paintshop
- basic knowledge of PHP and SQL

Nice to have
- advanced knowledge of PHP and SQL
- object oriented programming skills with php5
- basic knowledge of Javascript

The full monty
- experience with the Zend Framework (although not used at the moment) and Subversion CVS (to be implemented)
- experience with Linux administration
- advanced knowledge of Javascript
- XML, Ajax, Prototype, jQuery
- Flash / Actionscript

Please write a short summary of your skills and experience (preferably some references to projects you've done or contributed to). Hope all this doesn't sound too scary. After all, potatoes are still boiled with water...
If you're interested just drop me a note and I'll get back to you as soon as possible (you can write in English or German).
I'm doing "basic" PHP since a while. Sites like NAT-Tracker or Airlinersearch were made by me (CSS is bit outdated though). I'm not to much into design and don't have hell lot of time to work for you. But if it's nothing to fancy, I guess I can make it work. Database stuff is no problem I guess. I do use Photoshop but I'm not really talented at it ;) I now how to handle JavaScript (get staff out of the web an use it in my site), but not programming it. What needs to be done?

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