Problems sending Pireps?

Peter Schindler

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Today 3:26 AM
Is anyone having problems sending PIREP's ? Particularly Flight Keeper & FsAcars?
Along with changes in XAcars, I made some changes to the other scripts as well. Trying to save information about online flying in the reports, so we can use this for general and personal statistics.

XAcars seems to work ok, but I have seen a couple of FlightKeeper and FsAcars flights tonight on the map. Reports still missing (Svilen Vassilev, Thomas Adler). So, if something went wrong, please let me know. And if you get any error messages, post them here.
Affirm, trying to send a PIREP via Flight Keeper fails with the message
SQL query failed.INSERT INTO acpireps (...) VALUES (...);

(trimmed out the contents of the mysql query to save space, but if they're relevant for troubleshooting, I can post them.
I thought initially it was a problem on my end, so thank you for the thread, Peter :)
Svilen Vassilev said:
SQL query failed.INSERT INTO acpireps (...) VALUES (...);

(trimmed out the contents of the mysql query to save space, but if they're relevant for troubleshooting, I can post them.
YES, please :yes:

If I can not fix it quickly, I'll revert to the old version.
Thanks for the info, Svilen.
OK, here it goes:
SQL query failed.INSERT INTO acpireps (pirepSys, IDPIREP, CreatedOn, IDPilot, PilotName, AircraftTitle, AircraftType, TailNumber, FlightNumber, FlightLevel, FlightType, Passenger, Cargo, ZFW, OriginAirport, OriginGate, OriginRunway, DestinationAirport, DestinationGate, DestinationRunway, AlternateAirport, SID, STAR, DistanceFlight, DistanceRoute, OUTTime, OFFTime, ONTime, INTime, DayFlightTime, NightFlightTime, BlockTime, FlightTime, BlockFuel, FlightFuel, StartFuel, FuelRemain, TakeoffIAS, LandingIAS, LandingVS, LAndingPitch, LandingWind, FlightScore, FlightMapJPG, FlightMapWeatherJPG, FlightMapTaxiOutJPG, FlightMapTaxiInJPG, FlightPlan, FlightCritique, Comment, PilotComment, pirepNbr, vatsim, ivao, rCount, cCount) VALUES (2,'03082011210028ACH06133919', 20110803210028, 'ACH0613', 'Svilen Vassilev', 'BOEING B737', 'BOEING B737', 'D-ARBL', 'ACH7397', 'FL240', 'IFR', '', '', '120000', 'LBBG', 'Parking 15', '04', 'LBSF', 'Gate 24', '27', '', '', '', '211', '182', '29.07.2003 12:03', '29.07.2003 12:11', '29.07.2003 12:45', '29.07.2003 12:49', '00:34', '00:00', '00:46', '00:34', '7266', '6110', '14835', '7569', '167', '112', '-217.62', '3.39', '316/4', '70.00%', 'ACH0613-2003_07_29_120300-ACH7397.jpg', 'ACH0613-2003_07_29_120300-ACH7397-Weather.jpg', 'ACH0613-2003_07_29_120300-ACH7397-TaxiOut.jpg', 'ACH0613-2003_07_29_120300-ACH7397-TaxiIn.jpg', '', 'Beacon off during starting engines | -5.0% Standard altimeter not set after reaching the transition altitude | -10.0% ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Total Score for this flight | 85.0% Landing rating | Good Pilot rating | Good', '', '', 157, 1, , 0, 1);
Not to open a separate thread, but currently there seems to be a problem sending pireps with FlightKeeper, the process times-out when trying to upload the picture files for the maps, giving a "Cannot establish connection with the server" message. Can somebody kindly try to reproduce and confirm?

Thanks in advance! :)
Hi Svilen,

Can confirm I get the same error that you mention when trying to upload a flightkeeper Pirep.

Peter will look into it soon. :)
Andrew Williams said:
Hi Svilen,

Can confirm I get the same error that you mention when trying to upload a flightkeeper Pirep.

Peter will look into it soon. :)

Thank you, Andrew! It's always reassuring to know you're not alone in a problem :D
You not alone, I have the same problem with Flight Keeper:

Failed to upload Flight Mapfile to FTP Server

Response: A conection with the server could not be estabilished
(INET-Code 12029)
Zeljko Budovic said:
Failed to upload Flight Mapfile to FTP Server
That's where the problem lies - some failure with the FTP access. I can't get any ftp or sftp connection from home, either. I don't think it's a problem of the server itself. I checked it remotely and everything looks fine. Restarted the ftp service but no success. It's probably some routing or port forwarding problem. Nothing I could fix from home. Well, nothing I could fix myself, anyway :)
Will call the techies tomorrow.

As it only affects Flight Keeper (only maps are sent through ftp, pireps use http), please keep your local reports and send them as soon as they've fixed whatever problem it is ;)
Re: Problems sending Pireps? [FIXED]

FTP problem should be fixed - finally!

Sorry it took so long. It seems they were looking in the wrong place, first. This afternoon it turned out that our backbone provider (we only use their gateways for routing) has blocked all ftp and ssh traffic to their network due to a security breach. Although our servers are not affected by this, we were still affected by their port blocking. They have now established a special route for our network and it seems to be working again.

Please try to send your Flightkeeper reports. I'll keep my fingers crossed :D
Re: Problems sending Pireps? [FIXED]

I just sent my 2 pireps from last night and everything seems to be good :) Thanks you!
Re: Problems sending Pireps? [FIXED]

Great! Let's hope it will stay this way ;)

If you wonder why only the last flight is marked as Vatsim flight, this is a restriction in my script. It checks the last line of a vroute list for every Vatsim ID. If you send several reports at once, only the last one will be matched and marked.
Well, I think we can live with that, for now...
Re: Problems sending Pireps? [FIXED]

Peter Schindler said:
If you wonder why only the last flight is marked as Vatsim flight, this is a restriction in my script. It checks the last line of a vroute list for every Vatsim ID. If you send several reports at once, only the last one will be matched and marked.
Well, I think we can live with that, for now...

Yes, I noticed that, but certainly, as you say, it's not an issue at all :yes:

just sending a pirep with FsAcars (should I change it?) and I could not see any problem, but the flight was not registered by you, my booking is still open.

Cause I did not save the pirep, it seems to be lost, what should I do in such a case? Probably forget it, or is there an other possibility?

Best regards
I prefer XACARS, in XACARS the last flight will always be saved as 'lastpirep' or something like that. So you can always recreate as long as you haven't started another one....
Jürgen Lauteren said:
Cause I did not save the pirep, it seems to be lost ...
Not fully lost ;)
The raw text report by FsAcars was stored on our server and it looks ok:
[2012/03/01 12:36:00]
Flight IATA:CH7267
Pilot Number:0862
Company ICAO:ACH
Aircraft Type:B737
Aircraft Registration:OY-BKI
Departing Airport: ULLI
Destination Airport: UWGG
Alternate Airport:UUDD
Online: No
Route:UD B160 BD BD5T SF A930 MB
Flight Level:350
No Slew and time accel
12:36  Zero fuel Weight: 45740 Kg, Fuel Weight: 8216 Kg
12:46  Parking Brakes off
12:46  Com1 Freq=122.80
12:50  VR= 177 Knots
12:50  V2= 181 Knots
12:50  Take-off
12:50  Take off Weight: 53666 Kg
12:50  Wind: 180º @ 005 Knots Heading: 103º
12:50  POS N59º 48´ 13´´ E030º 17´ 30´´ 
12:50  N11 96 N12 96
12:50  Flaps:3 at 184 Knots
12:50  TOC
12:50  Fuel Weight: 7920 Kg
12:50  Gear Up: 204 Knots
12:50  Flaps:1 at 204 Knots
12:50  Flaps:0 at 206 Knots
13:05  Wind:309º@066 Knots Heading: 127º Ground Speed: 505 Knots Altitude 30994 ft
13:20  Wind:000º@000 Knots Heading: 111º Ground Speed: 454 KnotsAltitude 34990 ft
13:35  Wind:329º@040 Knots Heading: 111º Ground Speed: 485 Knots Altitude 34983 ft
13:50  Wind:248º@043 Knots Heading: 121º Ground Speed: 461 Knots Altitude 27194 ft
14:05  Wind:358º@000 Knots Heading: 356º Ground Speed: 243 Knots Altitude 4199 ft
14:07  Flaps:1 at 218 Knots
14:07  Flaps:2 at 217 Knots
14:07  Flaps:3 at 217 Knots
14:08  Flaps:4 at 200 Knots
14:08  Gear Down: 198 Knots
14:08  Flaps:5 at 186 Knots
14:08  Flaps:6 at 147 Knots
14:08  Flaps:7 at 144 Knots
14:08  Flaps:8 at 138 Knots
14:10  TouchDown:Rate -416 ft/min Speed: 127 Knots
14:11  Land
14:11  Wind:256º@005 Knots
14:11  Heading: 010º
14:11  Flight Duration: 01:21 
14:11  Landing Weight: 50321 Kg
14:11  POS N56º 13´ 33´´ E043º 46´ 53´´ 
14:14  Parking brakes on
14:14  Block to Block Duration: 01:28 
14:14  Final Fuel: 4484 Kg
14:14  Spent Fuel: 3732 Kg
14:14  Flight Length: 551 NM
14:14  TOD Land Length: 551 NM
For some reason the last line that is added by our pirep script and should read "END OF REPORT" is missing. I don't know why but I will manually insert your data. Just allow a little time (maybe until the weekend).

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