New toys for FS(X)

Peter Schindler

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Today 10:10 PM
For those who didn't notice already, PMDG have finally released their long awaited 737 NGX for FSX.
All the details can be found on their website:
According to the support forum, there's still performance problems for many users. Freezes, hickups, CTD's - the usual stuff ;) Maybe some patience before ordering is wise.

There's also news about the new flight planner from Christian Grill (maker of TOPCAT). It is now announced for christmas, this year. Sounds like a good release date. What do you say, Drew? :p
It is a good a news....i mean for the people who was waiting for PMDG.
In fact I like their products, but as they handled this publication time and postpone issue it was a bit arrogant for me, so i purchased the iFly 737 (and i guess many other ex-customer) and I am not disappointed at all!

I wish good fun for everyone, regardless of which product he uses, of course legally! ;)

I tried both planes, and in my opinion PMDG is much better, I do not know why but I don't like ifly 737, look's good but fly dynamics is not so real for me. With PMDG NGX you can "feel" the aircraft, LeonarMaddog 2010, PMDG JS41, PMDG 737NGX , realair DUKE and Level D 767 is the best FSX aircrafts for me. No offense, this is just my opinion and I tries ifly only in FSX.
I would like to have in Air Child fleet repaint for Leonardo Maddog MD82, PMDG 737NGX and Level D 767.
I will try to do repaints for Maddog and Level D, I'm going to discuss that in fleet section
Peter, do you will make a Air Child Livery ?
I already looked for the paint kit. There isn't any, yet.
I will certainly buy the NGX but probably not before the first patch. If no one else made a repaint until then, I'll do it.
Expect it around christmas :lol:
Peter Schindler said:
I already looked for the paint kit. There isn't any, yet.
I will certainly buy the NGX but probably not before the first patch. If no one else made a repaint until then, I'll do it.
Expect it around christmas :lol:
That is great, Thanks! And Thank you for JS41 repaint.
I already have paintkits for maddog and Level D, this will probably take some time because I'm newbie in this art - repaints, photoshop, but i'll do my best! :lol:
Until then, can I fly pmdg ngx in other colors, default or something like that as a charter?
Zeljko Budovic said:
I already have paintkits for maddog and Level D ...
We provide the Level D textures for FS9. I have no idea if these will work with FSX but maybe worth a try.
Peter Schindler said:
Zeljko Budovic said:
I already have paintkits for maddog and Level D ...
We provide the Level D textures for FS9. I have no idea if these will work with FSX but maybe worth a try.
will not work, but i know how to convert for FSX. I will do that Tomorow, Thanks. Now I have more time to do repaint for maddog
Andrew Williams said:
Zeljko Budovic said:
Until then, can I fly pmdg ngx in other colors, default or something like that as a charter?

Of course you can :yes:
I want to clarify that, we have 737 in fleet but we don't have yet repaint for PMDG 737 NGX.
So I can fly pmdg 737 NGX for AIR-CHILD even if we don't have AIR-CHILD repaint for this plane?
Only charter flights? can someone explain me please?

P.S. I need a few more days for Level D 763 repaint for FSX, textures are converted but I have some problems with shine efects, need to do something in photoshop
Zeljko Budovic said:
So I can fly pmdg 737 NGX for AIR-CHILD even if we don't have AIR-CHILD repaint for this plane?
Bingo! :) Nothing stops you from using whatever livery there is, be it a charter or scheduled flight. To tell the terrible truth: no one will ever see which livery you are using. Even on Vatsim or Ivao people would only see the Squawkbox or MTL repaints (if we had them...)
So, repaints are basically made for your own viewing pleasure, but they are not a must ;)
I need a few more days for Level D 763 repaint for FSX, textures are converted but I have some problems with shine efects, need to do something in photoshop
No hurry. Take your time. Once finished, could you please send me your photoshop psd files? I don't have the LD763 for FSX but I can take a look at the psd files and make edits where (if) necessary.
Bingo! :) Nothing stops you from using whatever livery there is, be it a charter or scheduled flight. To tell the terrible truth: no one will ever see which livery you are using. Even on Vatsim or Ivao people would only see the Squawkbox or MTL repaints (if we had them...)
So, repaints are basically made for your own viewing pleasure, but they are not a must ;)
That's corect, we can not have livery or model limitation as long as we fly for children
No hurry. Take your time. Once finished, could you please send me your photoshop psd files? I don't have the LD763 for FSX but I can take a look at the psd files and make edits where (if) necessary.
I really wanted to ask someone to check my files before upload, becouse that will be my first attempt to do fsx repaint. I will sent you psd files for sure! :yes:
Hi Zeljko,

I'm really looking forward to test your repaint, particularly the MD82 !!! Thanks so much !!!

I'm also hesitating to purchase the 767 from Level-D (FSX).....what is your opinion ?


Cedric Bandelier said:
Hi Zeljko,

I'm really looking forward to test your repaint, particularly the MD82 !!! Thanks so much !!!

I'm also hesitating to purchase the 767 from Level-D (FSX).....what is your opinion ?


repaint for maddog MD82 will take some time because I am beginner in repainting.

About 767 from Level-D: I have fsx version and I really like it, you can do all procedures, flight dynamics it's very good(this is most important to me and there is not to many fsx aircraft with good flight dynamics - by numbers and by how they feel on the yoke), it look's very good and framerates is high - I have intel E7200 dual core @2.53GHz and I have 30FPS or more with this plane in virtual cockpit.
Your position in virtual cockpit is one of the best, you have visibility during approach and landing, you can see all instruments and it's good angle for landing - important if you don't have TrackIR.
The two things that should be improved in my opinion is the sounds(I have sounds for 767 from turbine sound studios) and functionality of virtual cockpit - you must to open pop-up panel for FMC, radios etc. This is probably made for a have good FPS, but all important switches are functional in VC.
You can get alternative virtual cockpit from forums, look's much better then default.
For me, this plane remains one of the best for FSX, it worth the money. I use Level-D rarely because off incredible realism off Leonardo Maddog MD82(best fly dynamics ever in my opinion, and systems too), PMDG JS41 and 737NGX, and if you like GA aircrafts - RealAir Duke and turbine Duke.
My advice is to not buy it if you have this planes.
I have found avsim review, so you can se some experts opinion ;)
Here is the link:
Can somebody recommend me some good repaint tutorial? Step by step if possible.
I'm in vacation now and i have time for repaints but i find one tutorial from Level D and don't like it at all
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