FS/FSX on 64-bit system..?

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Today 2:52 AM
Hi all,

First, apologies if my search of the forum missed an answer to the following. I've also tried searching the Web for a clear answer, but, so far, to no avail -- so:
  • Should FS/FSX be able to run on a 64-bit system (such as Windows XP 64-bit)..?
  • If so, is it possible or likely that its performance would improve -- e.g. reduce the chances of crashes due to memory problems..?

Any words of wisdom gratefully received!

Hi David!

FSX works fine for me on Win 7 (64 Bit).
However there may be some issues with rather old add-ons like the Wilco/feel-there 737.
Except for that I´ve never had any problems related to that.

If you go for the 64-Bit version (which I´d generally recommend if you get a new PC) just make sure you have at least 4GB of RAM available (you won´t benefit from using a 64-bit system otherwise).
I´ve never seen FSX crash due to lack of memory using 6GB of RAM.

Hope this helps.

David Kernow said:
is it possible or likely that its performance would improve
Since even FSX is still a 32 bit application it will not directly benefit from more memory. However, as it's always running along with other processes, and mostly lots of add-ons, the overall performance and memory usage improves. For the new 737NGX PMDG even recommends using a 64 bit system.
Thanks, Daniel, Peter -- I was getting the feeling the answer would be a "qualified maybe".

I have up to 8 GB available to a 32-bit Windows XP system and find that FSX can "semi-crash" (i.e. keep running but with loss of sound and graphics quality and even airport buildings/runways) if, while flying, I create a new window then (say) press M to consult the FSX map. The two add-ons I usually having running are FSCaptain and the FollowMe car, sometimes joined by Autothumbnail.

It doesn't sound, though, as if moving everything to the Windows XP 64-bit software I've been given would make the difference...

You have 8gb ram on a 32bit system? As far as I am aware (and correct me if I am wrong as I usually am) the 32bit os can only read/use a maximum of 4gb ram.

The 64bit os can read/use the full 8gb.
FSX run best on Windows 7, 64bit. After switch from XP 32bit to Win7 64bit, I noticed important FPS improvement. And that is corect about 32bit systems - can only use 4gb of RAM
Based on my experiences:

1) FSX will run on 64bit without any problem
2) Some older add-ons may crash, due to their 32bit limitation
3) I have recognized slight fps improvement, but to be honest not really satisfied....some fine tuning is still necessary
Thanks for all the extra information...

Just had FSX crash (= "Your computer has run out of..." but with no possibility of continuing) again as I went to consult its map while on approach to a destination... Is there a stand-alone version of the FSX map I might use instead or something similar, small and simple (i.e. with low memory impact!)..?

David Kernow said:
Is there a stand-alone version of the FSX map I might use instead or something similar..?
You could have a look at Flightsim Commander. Payware, and not one of the cheapest, but the best (actually, the only one for FSX) I know of. Apart from being a map, it does a whole lot more. Create flight plans, lookup airport info, display online or multiplayer traffic, approach charts ...
You can download a trial and see if it suits you. http://www.fscommander.com
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