SQL Syntax Error ACH Only

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Hi all,

I just completed a FsPX flight, LICJ-ESSA. When exporting the flight to the ACH VA, I got the dreaded error in SQL syntax message. I double checked to see if there were any special characters in the "ESSA" line within the FsPX ICAO database, but there were no special characters which have caused this before on other flights I've made. Removing characters such as an apostrophe within the city name corrected these errors before. I did try to send the report to the regular FsP VA and the report did send without problems. Is there something going on with the ACH VA today? I did flag it as sent and then reflagged it as unsent. Tried one more export but got the same syntax error.

Hi Joe! Been a long time :hi: ... FSP VA scripts and ours are slightly different as we use one data structure for all add-ons. I'm sure we can solve this. Maybe you could post the content of the sql error here? Thank you.
I'll be away this week with no online access but I'll take care as soon as I'm back. :yes:
Howdy Pete...yes, it's been a while :) Thanks for looking into this. However, there wasn't any particular error line other than there was an error in SQL syntax. Of course it mentioned flight 52....the 52nd flight I've made with this particular FsPX company. Would there be another place that may log this type of error in FsP? I've not been able to find it...that is if the log exists. I'll try again today to see if the report will send and report back to you.

Peter Schindler said:
I'll be away this week with no online access but I'll take care as soon as I'm back. :yes:
Correction: surprisingly I have online access at the hotel here, and it's even free ;)

Yes, try sending the report again to see if it gives you any detailed sql message. Otherwise I'll try to write the transmission to a log, but this will have to wait until my return. I can't access all of the magic stuff from here :D
Anyway, I'd like to solve this. Chances are good it has to do with some single quote ...
Hi Peter,

I tried exporting the same flight again but got the same generic error:

-Exporting of 1 Flights started
-Error, unable to export flight number 52 ->SQL error. You have an error in your SQL
1 flights could not be exported.

I don't get any other error details. In the meantime, should I keep this particular flight booked in the ACH system since it cannot export the flight to the ACH VA? I would hate to take up valuable space here.

The flight report I refer to:

Flight ACH7157 End of flight report Date October 09 2011

Flight ID: ACH7157
Flight Type: Normal
Pilot: Joe Holmes
Company: Joe Air
Aircraft: QWSim Boeing 757-200 L'Avion WV
Flight Date: October 09 2011
Departure: 06h05 (05h06 GMT)
Arrival: 10h22 (09h22 GMT)
From: LICJ - Punta Raisi - Italy
To: ESSA - Arlanda - Sweden
Nbr of Passengers: 169


Flight Distance: 1,301 Nm Landing Speed: 128.91 kt
Time Airborne: 04h04:59 Landing Touchdown: -69.2 ft/m (kiss)
Flight Time (block): 04h16:08 Landing Pitch: 5.24°
Time On Ground: 00h13:08 Landing Weight: 193186 lbs
Average Speed: 318.61 kt Total Fuel Used: 38633 lbs
Climb Time: 00h14:56 Climb Fuel Used: 6326 lbs
Cruise Time: 03h08:36 Cruise Fuel Used: 26254 lbs
Average Cruise Speed: 374.81 kt (M0.61) Cruise fuel/hour: 8352 lbs (calc)
Descent Time: 00h41:27 Descent Fuel Used: 6052 lbs

Passenger Opinion: Exceptional flight (100%)
-Are relieved to have landed safely after the extreme weather they experienced during landing.
-Were highly entertained by the movie.
-Were in a better mood because they had food.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.

Financial Report:

Ticket Income: +$162,978 (1,301 Nm)
Cargo Income: +$49,211 (14998 lbs)
Services Income: +$3,027 (1 sandwich 2 hot food 2 drink)
Services Cost: -$2,817 (62% quality)
Fuel Cost: -$16,611 (38633 lbs Jet-A1)
Airport Taxes: -$242 (Large Aircraft)
Insurance Costs: -$9,166 (4.32% rate)
Total Real Income: $186,380
Total Income: $9,319,000 (real x50)
Fleet Bonus: $3,204,387 (10 aircraft)
Total Sim Income: $12,523,387 (total income+fleet bonus)

Company Reputation:

Considering that the flight was perfect the ticket price normal, the service price very low and the service quality nice, passengers on this flight think that your company's reputation should be 100%
Your company reputation is now: 99.71% (+0.03 increase)

Overall Flight Result: Perfect

Pilot Bonus points: 534 points
• You made a very smooth landing. (+50)
• Perfect Flight, no problems, and very satisfied passengers. (+150)
• You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
• Long flight (04h04) without using time acceleration, without any problems, and with satisfied passengers. (+204)
• Extreme weather conditions during approach, but a safe landing with satisfied passengers. (+100)
Thanks for the info Joe, I think I already found the problem in your report data:
Aircraft: QWSim Boeing 757-200 L'Avion WV
Single quote, as we both suspected. Don't use funny french liveries :lol: (joking, of course)

I will modify the script when I'm back, to catch the error. Then I'll create a booking with that number for you. No need to keep it (it would be removed after 3 days, anyway).
Will call back on Sat or Sun :hi:
Or, I can just remove the apostrophe in the aircraft title (within the aircraft .cfg) and re-purchase the aircraft in my company :) I can re-do the flight...no problems. I wouldn't have thought the aircraft title would have caused the syntax error, but what do I know about scripts? Absolutely nothing :lol: At least now I know what to look for...thanks Peter!

By the way, I would use a ACH livery but Captain Sim seems to rule that one :roll:
It seems all is well now. I did in fact remove the apostrophe from the aircraft title, re-purchased the aircraft within the company manager and made the LICJ-ESSA flight again. The flight report did send successfully :)

Thanks for the help Peter!
Joe Holmes said:
I did in fact remove the apostrophe from the aircraft title, re-purchased the aircraft within the company manager and made the LICJ-ESSA flight again
You're a genius, Joe! And a good boy :clap:
However, I will fix the script this weekend, so we don't run into the same problem again.
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