Boah !!!!! i'm senior captain

Users Local time
Today 2:51 AM
8) :lol: :rofl: :oops:

with 52 flight's :think: :roll:

i think there is something wrong with my PIPRES.
Let me know, what causes the problems ...

Maybe i can help to "solve" the problem.

Kind regards,
AND IT'S NOT MY FAULT (at least i hope so)

Re: Boah !!!!! i'm senior caption


Here is the problem with the flight time.

There are a few posts on the forum about FsACARS problems.

Peter will fix your report when he has a moment free - and you will once again be demoted. Enjoy the high life of Senior Captain now while you can 8) :lol:
Hans-Dieter, you have been trapped by FsAcars like many before ;)
As Andrew wrote, you can see the problem in the flight log. It's this line ...
17:38 UTC Jump: removed 1 Hour from Log
... leading to this line ...
18:34 Block to Block Duration: 00:65530
with a 45 days flight duration :D

We don't know when and why it happens, but if it happens once in a while, we just correct it. If it happens too often you should consider another pirep tool.
You can do a search for FsAcars here to find more on the subject and especially read this post:

but there's no ultimate solution to that bug, unfortunately.

We have sent you back to the low ranks, btw :p
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