XAcars just blanc

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Today 11:36 PM

I use XAcars for reporting flights, and I am new to Air Child.
My first flight report was okay, but on my second flight XAcars was okay on startup (started reporting before starting engines, after loading...) I minimized it. When I was up in the air I checked XAcars, if all is clear, but the XAcars was just white... no buttons, no lines, nothing. After landing I was not able to report anything.

Is XAcars really that unreliable? Dont want to use FSacars because I think there are problems with setting the parking break on and off when using the Airbus X extended on push and startup.
And for payware I dont have enough "testing time" with FSX (long flown with X-Plane)

Thank you and Greetings,
Is XAcars really that unreliable?
Well I never had any problems with it. While FSacars caused me all kinds of trouble.

If you have Vista, Win7 or higher; does XACARS run with full access? Did you install it in the user folder? You can also check if your FSUIPC is running correctly because it depends on that. Is FSX itself running with full rights?

Having a look in the Windows error logs can also be revealing if you happen to find more than a cryptic description of XACARs failing. Also look in the logs if you can see what FSUIPC and FSX related things were doing.

Hope it helps...
Thank you!
I think the problem was that I dont started it "as admin"...
Will try it again, and if it failes, now I know what to do!

I am unable to report anything about XAcars... :(

I start everything as Admin, and FSX and all other programms (Plan G, Fsrealwx) are good. Xacars is also good - as long it is not minimized to the taskbar.

When it is in the taskbar and I click on it, the window for Xacars appears normal but it is white, I cant see any information or button. It stays white when I land and set Parking break and Engines to off.

EDIT: There is no programm crash or something, logs are okay. And when I look at the Air Child live watch, my flight is still visible. I think the log is still active when the problem appears, but without buttons I cant report.

I am the only one with this problem?
If anyone is searching about the same problem, I have maybe found a solution.
I thought that I already have C++ redistributable 2010 on my sytem, but it wasnt. So I have cross checked C++ 2012 and installed 2010... testrun will follow.
And...did that help?

Otherwise, I have another suggestion. It's quite a bit of work but it works for me. I dual(well actually triple) boot with Win XP exclusively for FSX. FSX is an old program, so why not run it on an old OS.

Of course you have to find all drivers for your mobo and graphics card. And don't go on-line banking or anything with it; XP is not totally safe any more. But only for FSX and planning a flight on-line, why not?

If you have a very new pc with lots of memory it might not work or you might not be able to use all installed memory.

But this way I avoid admin rights, installing in user folders, long boot up times, nagging UAC screens, login screens, countless updates etc.
Unfortunately not... when I start it, an error appears about a missing "msvcp110.dll" file :?

Good idea with the XP, but for my taste is win7 keeping me busy enough :)
Hi, I have another idea. :idea:

Is the redistributable you installed 32 or 64-bit? XACARS states it should be 32-bit.
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2010 and 2012 (x86)

And if it is 32-bit, is it installed in the right folder? 64-bit Windows has special folders for older 32-bit programs.

This, because I think MS download offers you 64-bit programs by default.

Just an idea, I just like to get XACARS going for you.
Thank you very much for your commitment! Good to know that there is a nice community at air child :)

The installation I have made was for 32bit (have read about this clue somewhere in another forum)
But I already play around with Flight Keeper, maybe this will do it better (and with more features)
If FK does not work, I will try it again with Xacars.
Okay, flightkeeper also does not work... (read other topic "??? How to get reporting to work ???" dont know what to do now, never had such hard experiences with software ^^

think i will try it only with Xacars now, because pay for a software with 3456723 features but no stability isnt funny :envy:
With xacars I had at least two successful flights...
Have made a reinstall of all c++ restributions and again with xacars, first testflight was okay... future will show
Glad you have xacars working. Rafael sent you a private message I assume about fskeepers. Did it not work?
I deinstalled flight keeper very quickly after trying... with Xacars now back to work I will fly with this reporting for the next time. Maybe I will try it in the future again (with more investigation, youtube vids and patience and so on) ;)

Thank you all again for your commitment! Great community :yes:

Ok mate, when you decide to try again PM me. We can go up teamspeak or skype and I'll talk you through the setup. It really is a good program but I can understand the frustration your having trying to get programs to work. Get some reportable flights under your belt. We will be around when you feel like taking on the monster again .

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