Active sky next am I being thick

Users Local time
Today 6:29 PM
So I downloaded the demo for the 7 days and installed it registered the trial it says open so I open it.

Says asn is running
Open fsx click run and yes to trust

Back over to asn it says 3 steps simple to follow to enjoy the weather and next gen clouds

I pick manual in fact I've tried them all live, historical and manual
I make a flight plan from a place with bad weather as you do, KLAS had heavy rain thunderstorm and high turbalance so I thought great.

Then I saved the weather.

It says to create flight at airport and go fly so I did and the weather is the default all clear skies.

I've saved to different places but in manual is don't even say save it just says fly

I've been doing this all day and the weather never looks any better.

I've looked at using it with pfpx went into settings and browsed for file as it said point it to \hifi\asnfsx\weather

Once again I can't find this mine is \hifi\asn_fsx and there is no weather folder even if I create one says can't load weather.

Am I being stupid, because this program is doing my head in at the moment and it's not convincing me it's worth it right now

If someone could explain how to get this to work I'll be very grateful before I flip my lid

ASN is a weather engine. It has no textures. It will either use the default textures from FSX or REX or active sky depending on what you have installed. After loading FSX click on the weather tab. Under themes there should be an active sky entry click on it. Also open ASN and check your weather settings. ASN should be started before starting FSX .
You Sir are my hero

working now and its awesome to be honest i dont think ill be able to let this go lol

thanks again
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