Xacars 2.5.5 language from German to English ?

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Today 10:48 PM
I had an old version in English then I update to the latest one from the website.
XAcars for MSFS 2.5.5 (update only).zip
I overwrite all and unfortunately it's in German now how do we get the English one?
Thank's for help
I might not understand your question correctly. I went to www.xacars.net and the documentation was in English

Fabrizio Pascucci said:
I had an old version in English then I update to the latest one from the website.
XAcars for MSFS 2.5.5 (update only).zip
I overwrite all and unfortunately it's in German now how do we get the English one?
Thank's for help

Hey there! You have to download the full version of it and reinstall. In the setup process you may choose the required language. If that doesn't work right away, try uninstalling and reinstalling it, deleting the installation folder prior to the reinstall.

Remember that you might have to add the config file from ACH into the install-folder again, after reinstalling.


Unfortunately no, the main installer is 2.5 which is in English as soon you install the update 2.5.5 required to fly Q400 it become German.
It's not a drama because I did a screen shot of the old one.
Thank's for help
Ugh! You're right! I did a flight in a Q400 and voila - no ACARS recorded. I then updated and voila#2 - german. Fortunately I can understand and read that weird language (I am german myself :roll: ) but it still sucks royally.

Should someone finde a workaround to "de-germanify" Xacars pls POST it here.

Happy landings!

und tschuess :D
My problem is not only the German language, is also that I couldn't connect with the q400 with Xacars as it doesn't work I already did two flight without connecting.
So, what are you saying? Version 2.5.5. still isn't able to record flights with the Q400?! I haven't tried 2.5.5. yet with the Dash 8 - but not being able to file pireps with the Dash-8 is not an option.

How about that "FSFlightkeeper" thingy ACH recommends? Is that any good? I read some postings of the creator (a Mr. Molitor, I think). He kept talking about a new and upcoming version 4.0. But that was like early 2014 or so. I figured with xAcars I wouldn't need to spend money on something fundamental like an acars and pirep client. *meh*
Peter Mueller said:
So, what are you saying? Version 2.5.5. still isn't able to record flights with the Q400?! I haven't tried 2.5.5. yet with the Dash 8 - but not being able to file pireps with the Dash-8 is not an option.

How about that "FSFlightkeeper" thingy ACH recommends? Is that any good? I read some postings of the creator (a Mr. Molitor, I think). He kept talking about a new and upcoming version 4.0. But that was like early 2014 or so. I figured with xAcars I wouldn't need to spend money on something fundamental like an acars and pirep client. *meh*

I tried to connect XAcars 2.5.5 with fsx acc and the latest Q400 V1.010 FSUIPC 4.937, a message in German come and it dosen't connect.

After many years of using FSFlightkeeper, I stop using it, after all the time need to prepare the flight. I have enough to fill all data in FSFK and start the flight.
I start using Xacars as you only need to write the flight number, and all the field are filled.
I used also avilasoft once and even this one I stop to using it.
There are so many software to boot that I squeeze to the essential.
So Airchild web, PFPX DISPATCH , ASN, FSX, XACARS, FS2CREW and ready to fly ,that it's.
I'll have to try the Xacars 2.5.5 with the Dash 8 within the next days... maybe somehow we can make heads and tails out of this weird issue.

Btw - thanks for the info on FSKeeper! Good point, indeed. There is already enough one has to do upfront before actually "sitting down" for the flight, that yet another data-hungry tool to be fed in preflight is truly no option. Instead of PFPX I use SimBrief... but I've read a lot good stuff about PFPX.

Anyways, I'll see how my acars and the dash-8 go along. Did you - by any chance - had time to report that issue to the support of xacars (if there's any...)?

Cheers & Happy Landings!

Peter Mueller said:
There is already enough one has to do upfront before actually "sitting down" for the flight
Exactly, spending money on tools that should relieve from home work, but instead become more work is no sense.
Peter Mueller said:
had time to report that issue to the support of xacars (if there's any...)?
There is no support no email, no name to address to.
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