Who misses planes after the new ACH server setup?

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Today 12:37 PM
Hi pilots,
you see this ongoing discussion about missing planes after the update of the ACH website. I spoke to Peter about this but neither me or he can reproduce what Frank is speaking about in the "Missing Planes" topic.

To go deeper into the problem we like to know who and how many pilots are infected with this problem.

Please tell us here with if you have this missing planes problem:

Your System OS
Your Browser
Your Career

Maybe Peter needs more infos - but first this must be enough.

Cheers Tom
Hi, well me for a start. I guess with "system" you mean OS? I think you should add career choice to the test; this could also influence the database.

Speaking about career; is there any restriction on the availability of these 777s for certain career levels? Still it shouldn't matter. There's nothing above senior captain, so the 777-300 should be available to me.

Edit: I Just (re-)read the manual; the 777 type isn't mentioned there at all. We probably didn't have them back then.
Captain /Senior Captain
all the above plus:
Boeing 747-400
Boeing 747-400F
Airbus A340-300
Considering it's size compared to the MD-11 the 777 should be available for junior captains.

My info:
OS: Linux(varous Ubuntu/Mint versions 32 and 64 bit), Win XP SP3, Win7 32-bit, Mac OSX
Browsers: Firefox(various versions), IE, Safari
ADSL probably still IP4
+Cable Ziggo
Career choice: Advanced.
Symptoms: mostly the same as Frank; 777-300 and 777-200F only visible in hangar, not available to fly in charter or flight search. And yes, also often no return flights in flight search.

And I think a lot of our pilots here do fly without ever reading or at least writing on the forum. I also think some might not even realize there are missing planes because they don't use them.

UPDATE: I also tested on my parent's Mac, same result. I'm quite convinced it's tied to the user ID and not to browser, OS or provider. Also not to country as Frank had the same results with his test.
Barthe Hogenboom said:
Career choice: Advanced
Symptoms: mostly the same as Frank; 777-300 and 777-200F only visible in hangar, not available to fly in charter or flight search. And yes, also often no return flights in flight search.

Same here!

ID: 1499
Career: advanced (Captain since 2015-06-04)

Win7 64; IE11, Firefox. Chrome
BlackBerry OS10 (preinstalled) Browser
BlackBerry PlayBook (preinstalled) Browser

I think, it's not the Browser...
Your ACH ID: 0063
Your System OS:FSX / Win 8.1
Your Browser: Google Chrome
Your Career: Senior Capitano :rofl:
Got problem with planes even if I just finish the flight with. Flown regular flight 747 g-almi from egcc to egll and want to book further to loww. wasn't able cause g-almi don't show in search. I was in basic carrer.

Your ACH ID: 0581
Your System OS:fs9 / Win 7
Your Browser: Mozilla Firefox 38.0.5
Your Career: Senior Captain
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