Validation Pirep

Users Local time
Today 5:49 PM
Hi guys, i start to flight with Air Child recently.
I see my reports correctly in "my reports" section, but i don't understand if the pirep was accepted.

I try to searech in the manual but i don't found answear.
Sorry if this question was posted by other one.
Hi Fabio,

if the flights ar documented in your profile, the pireps are accepted. Your flights (5) are also listed in the pilot's rooster.

All'right thank you. Onother little thing: what meaning has the symbol on the right of pirep table?
There is a legenda for it?
Many thanks for assistance.
Hello Fabio,
I guess, you mean the "Status"-row on the pirepstable.

If you hold your mousearrow just a second on the symbol, you will get a short notice.
- "V" stands for a reported onlineflight on VATSIM-network.
- "L" pilot landed as sceduled. If you scroll down on the table, you may see a "E", "M", or "D" for emergency landing, Mayday sent or diverted.
- the last geometric symbol shows, on which acarsprogramm the pirep has been recorded and sent.

hope that helps.
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