FSACARS Support Discontinued as of 20OCT2017

Christian Neumann

Beta Team
Users Local time
Today 8:26 AM
Hey Gents,

You sure have noticed, that now and then pireps occure which come up with 65513 hours flight or blocktime. These pireps have to be corrected manually by the staff.

We have gone into the database and found, that all these pireps were sent by FSACARS. FSACARS is from 2006 and there are no updates to fix this problem.

FSACARS logs much more data than we need. We know, that some of you use it as a personell log, so I may introduce FS-Flightkeeper to you. It's payware from Aerosoft and we get an VA-discount on it. For those who don't need the detailled parameters, have a look at XACARS, which runs without any problems and is freeware.

As I wrote above, the incorrect Flightreports have to be corrected manually. You have to contact the staff, the staff can correct it.... Cannot be the way in our automaticated times. The manual correction will take more time in the future and, I dare say, after the middle of the year, we cannot accept FSACARS-pireps anymore.

Hello everyone,

Pulling this back up. As of today, I have disabled the possibility to file PIREPs via FSACARS. I have done this because FSACARS continuously causes problems with Pilot Hours and Points which in turn create a higher workload on me having to fix problems with it.

As of the beginning of the year, only 39 Pilots have actually used FSACARS to submit their PIREPs. I appreciate it if you started using one of the other Flight Reporting Tools. Instructions on how to set them up and use them are in the Pilot Handbook.

We are currently in a state at which I would much rather focus my time on the New Flight Operations Center than to spend it fixing the errors a buggy piece of software creates for us especially since that software has not been maintained and/or updated in over a decade (09/09/2004 was the last update to FSACARS).

With that being said I will now go back to working on the new system.

Have a great weekend :)
Pulling this back up. As of today, I have disabled the possibility to file PIREPs via FSACARS. I have done this because FSACARS continuously causes problems with Pilot Hours and Points which in turn create a higher workload on me having to fix problems with it.
A good decision; FSACARS only caused trouble the last couple of years.
Instructions on how to set them up and use them are in the Pilot Handbook.
Please read these first but if you can't get it to work you can always ask on our forum.

Some hints for all PIREP applications:

Please minimize the risks for errors by doing all your settings(time, season, weather, weight etc.) before starting your PIREP (clicking <Start ACARS>). Don't teleport your plane to another location after starting your PIREP!

Time and place are two main causes for getting enormous, or negative, hours in PIREPS.

Also: LOOK AT YOUR REPORT before sending it. If your report looks improbable: don't send it.
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