Fly the World

Jesco Freund

Beta Team
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Today 7:15 PM
Dear all,

It seems there's now an alternative to FSE under development, called "Fly the World" (cf. I haven't looked yet in depth at it, but it seems it goes beyond FSE in some ways (as an example, I just saw that there are type ratings and licenses restricting aircraft usage).

Anyone here already had a closer look and could tell more? Would it be interesting for us to check out whether it's worth opening up accounts over there?

Blue Skies,
Hey guys,

Yes, it was developed in German but recently it was translated in English (mostly .. I think only some pieces of GUI remained only in German as of now).
Indeed, it is another approach to flight simulation economy but to be honest I like it.

I've flown there in the last 2 years (although not continuously) .. and I accumulated around 400 hours and over 360 company hours (flown for various companies, not for myself). Didn't return to FSE from that moment.
I think the biggest difference compared to FSE relates to time compression - in FTW is NOT allowed.
Those flying hours are indeed true hours; at the beginning it was a bit awkward to me, but now I'm used to it.

Another difference compared to FSE - FTW is more tubeliner oriented, whereas FSE was about GA mostly.
Also, different companies can rent FBOs (and various objects, like routes, fuel stations, terminals ..) at the same airport, but the price would be a little bit higher in this case.

Also, as low rank pilot (at the beginning) you can fly big birds for various companies even if you don't have required licenses yet.
This is possible using a new feature called "Company jobs" - various airlines publish such jobs and every pilot can rent those planes and fly respective jobs; this is good when you start a career in FTW.

I know also about a couple of manuals in English which describe the environment (FTW world), but they are a bit old now - not all options included as development is pretty active.

There is also a which contain a more up to date version of manuals, but even that one is not current with latest FTW options.

And a last comment regarding tracking software - manuals tell the original story (use of XACARS), but XACARS has been discontinued in favor of a dedicated flight tracker - YAACARS. More details here:
It was developed by "Teddii" and still being maintained; he was also coming from FSE world, owner of former OpenAir Alliance Europe group.

If you want to know more about FTW you can ask me and I'll try to give you more info.

Hi Jesco!
I know you as "daemotron" from FSE "Crooked Charter" group; I activated there for some time under username "vladyi" - the same I use it for FTW.
Glad that I found you here as well :)
I'm pretty new to ACH - less than one week as of now; still learning my way here ..
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