X-Plane 11.10 beta - fire away

Jesco Freund

Beta Team
Users Local time
Today 7:09 PM
Hello X-Plane pilots,

For those of you already using X-Plane 11, an important request from my side: unless you have a separate test installation for Beta versions, please do not upgrade to 11.10 beta right now. The reason behind: XP 11.10 brings a new plugin API, and is updated to v3.0 of the SDK (which was at 1.2 for the whole XP10 life cycle). With all these architectural changes, I have currently no evidence XACARS still works with this version. I intend to set up a test installation to verify and report back to you as soon as possible. If anyone else has already verified, please post your experience here.

Blue skies,
Re: X-Plane 11.10 beta - hold your fire!

Hi Jesco,
thank you for this important information.
I inteded to install the beta during the next days, but now I will wait for your experience.
Re: X-Plane 11.10 beta - hold your fire!

On Wednesday, Laminar has released 11.10b4, which according to Ben Supnik should fix some issues with plugins that use XPWidgets (like XACARS). I just launched the updater, and will try to log a flight with XACARS later that evening.
OK, here comes the confirmation: XACARS 2.5.6 works fine with XP 11.10b4, so for those daring and curious enough to try a beta (and be warned, 11.10 is really beta currently, nowhere near a release candidate), you can at least log your attempts with ACH :wink:
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