FSX vs. Prepare 3D

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Tomorrow 12:50 AM
Hi out there,
as an all time xplane user I am looking with wet eyes when I see PMDGs 738. As the addon developpment in XP is far behind MSFS I am thinking to set up a second sim. Now I read a lot of P3D and that this sim will have develpoment in the future. I read that PMDG denied to support this sim cause it was build for professional use, although the PMDGs should work. Meanwhile P3D has a new licenses called ACEDEMIC which is for non professional use. We will see how the PMDG reaction will be.
Is there anybody with whom I could discuss P3D and the possibillities compared to FSX cause I do not want to invest in a sim like FSX which is not under development and refinement anymore.
Questions are - which software addons (planes, sceneries, tools) can be used with P3D and how and which hardware can be used with P3D and how. (I am using on XP: Goflight modules, Vrinsight MCP Panel, Saitek X52, CH products rudder, PFC Yoke)
Maybe we should think to open a new forum for P3D discussions.
Cheers Tom
Hi , just shortly
I do not have P3d only fsx but I have a few airport from orbx in Australia where I fly mainly pmdg js 4100 and outside Australia pmdg 747 8i version. To non development future in fsx I must disagree. As John from FTX team said they will continue to support and develop airport for fsx as it's open new possibilities with coding for animation and other ,so I am still happy fsx user . Therefore I am not afraid to buy airport or add on plane . So as we speak I am waiting for Qualitywings Bae 146 . To what I have read MSFS is a bit death if this is not strong word for use from development side as compatible platform for their market . So to this few points I think fsx is not likely going to be replace by something much better anywhere soon . plaese it is just my opinions :hi: Cheers Petr
I would not go with prepar3d if they not do something quite spectacular with their sim.

But miracles still can happen, we can get new flightsim, much better then we ever hoped. Will see, next week is decisive one. Avsim announcement:

"TestPilot is designed to load all FSX scenery, aircraft, vehicles, AI, and add-ons as long as the user has a legal licensed copy of FSX on his machine. TestPilot replaces the FSX core engine DLL's with it's own implementations, thereby taking full advantage of modern multicore cpus, and gpus, which FSX is incapable of. Because TestPilot completely replaces the core engine of FSX, limitations in the Flight Dynamics Engine are also eliminated providing accuracy superior to either Microsoft Flight or X-Plane 10, utilizing the very same advanced Aerodynamic Modeling technology that the aircraft manufacturers use."

I read a lot on their forums, Joseph Mangan, the CEO of Coanda Aerospace Software GmbH is aerospace engineer. The two former members of the ACES studio, who worked on Microsoft Flight Simulator X has joined GNU Aerospace TestPilot Team.
It's not only about FSX, test pilot is advanced software which will provide flight dynamics, and for graphics we can use initially FSX, later we can use fs2004, x-plane, outerra, some boeing interfaces etc.
Sounds very promising in my opinion
I think here starts a very interesting and important threat. As a user I am a bit helpless with this situation. Before it was more or less Xplane or MSFS FS9 or FSX. Now there is much more coming up. We should provide our pilots with new information if we get some. There are interestings things coming up!
Cheers Tom

ps. I have never heard about "TESTPILOT" sim please post a link!

Regarding your question, i tried Prepar3D and i was not impressed at all. My fsx look's and runs much better. They works on some features like direct x 11 and some other things for performance improvements.

I tried almost all availabile simulators for PC, and in my opinion, if you have a CPU and GPU fast computer - the best choice is FSX. If you have slow computer, you can still use FSX for General Aviation planes. But if you have slow computer and you want to flight heavies, you can use fs9, like me ;)
X-plane 10 was a big disappointment for me, I'm sorry I have to say that. But i tried best addon planes for x-plane and flight dynamics is very unrealistic, weather effects also(not to mention absence of good systems).
I like NGX, but i am able to use it on my system with all AI traffic disabled and without scenery addons, with most of graphics sliders below 50%. And no chance for online flying.
Becouse of that i use mostly FS9, all sliders to max, lot of AI traffic and perfect for online flying - no performance hits from AI traffic.
There is a couple of very good aircraft for fs9: MD80 Leonardo Maddog(NGX look's better, but i'm not decided which is a better simulation regarding all systems, instruments, switches and flight dynamics), PMDG MD11, Level D 767 and Fligh1 ATR 72.
I spent some time searching for realistic PC flight simulations(as far as it's possible). If you want to try fsx or fs9, i can help you with all settings and tweaking.
Becouse of that i'm looking forward to GNU aerospace to start their "testpilot" project.
I wanted to start a thread about this a couple of days ago
Ok we will see what happens with this TESTPILOT web based FSX sim. I am not sure that this will be out soon and I am not sure if this ever will work. In the moment it sounds more like I want to do that and that and that - and hopefully Microsoft is not against this idea.....
Cheers Tom
Zeljko Budovic said:
I would not go with prepar3d if they not do something quite spectacular with their sim.

But miracles still can happen, we can get new flightsim, much better then we ever hoped. Will see, next week is decisive one. Avsim announcement:

"TestPilot is designed to load all FSX scenery, aircraft, vehicles, AI, and add-ons as long as the user has a legal licensed copy of FSX on his machine. TestPilot replaces the FSX core engine DLL's with it's own implementations, thereby taking full advantage of modern multicore cpus, and gpus, which FSX is incapable of. Because TestPilot completely replaces the core engine of FSX, limitations in the Flight Dynamics Engine are also eliminated providing accuracy superior to either Microsoft Flight or X-Plane 10, utilizing the very same advanced Aerodynamic Modeling technology that the aircraft manufacturers use."

I read a lot on their forums, Joseph Mangan, the CEO of Coanda Aerospace Software GmbH is aerospace engineer. The two former members of the ACES studio, who worked on Microsoft Flight Simulator X has joined GNU Aerospace TestPilot Team.
It's not only about FSX, test pilot is advanced software which will provide flight dynamics, and for graphics we can use initially FSX, later we can use fs2004, x-plane, outerra, some boeing interfaces etc.
Sounds very promising in my opinion

I tried to understand what they are going for. Quite hard to understand - but I did so far not in all technical views but almost. The most important thing is that there is no simulator yet! There is an idea how to make the very modern sim of all, better then all others with much more possibilities - but still not more then an idea. If have no idea if that company is capable to reach the very high expected goals they speaking off. They give a link to CRYTEK yes CRYTEK who made Billion sellers EGO Shooter like FAR CRY 1+2 and CRYSIS 1+2 - they now what they do and there CRY ENGINE is really good - I now cause I have CRYSIS 1+2 (shame on me but sometimes I like it) But who is really the GNU Aerospace TestPilot Team what did they really do before joining the company and what did the company really do before they started with TESTPILOT. You have to know all this before you invest. But they can show just nothing. And what happens with investments if they cannot reach that goal or the goals they are talking off. It is not like "putting my money in some kind of fruit company" like Forrest Gump did. Words, Words, Words this is all what GNU Aerospace TestPilot Team is offering now. I do not see that this will work - if I myself invest - I want to know what I get - if I do not know I call this a high risk investment. They should start a testballon - yes they said there is a very expensive license....., a test ballon to show that they are capable to reach their very high goals - I think is a must to convince people that an investment is worth to do.
I did kind of pre investment for software and lost the money - not much but I lost. Yes the crowd investment is a new way to start up a business it is a bit like buying shares. And you know what happened to a lot of small share buyers who did not really knew what is going on in the share market world.
I would like to help them but really if Austin Mayer came up with this idea I already know that he and his team is capable to what they are promise.
Cheers Tom
This was my first impresion too :) . My conclusion after 5-6 days of study about them and project is very positive.
This is my very simply explained conclusion:
- The softvare - core engine for sim is not only idea. It's softvare created by Mr.Joseph and used for core engine in level d simulators for real world pilots trainings, and for performance testings of real aircrafts.
- In his team, there are 2 former members of the ACES studio(team that created microsoft flight simulator).
So, we have an aerospace engineer and his softvare, and two guys who was in team that made FSX.
They want to replace FSX core engine with Mr.Joseph softvare.
The rest are nuances. I think they know very well what they are doing.
On the other hand, it's complicated with people's, You never know what kind of characters you can find in this world.
So, i don't know if i am right about this, and I don't want to convince anyone.
It's just my opinion and I hope I'm right. I'm not naive, i just want level-d flight dynamics on my PC. :)
I did it - I bought the FSX for the PMDG NGX and much more from Schindler´s list. Now I am there and lost where the Xplane newbies are - scratching my head - how does this work - what the hell is FSUIPC etc. But I will survive that for sure - and Mr. Schindler will give me a hand to get a fast entry into the MSFS world. So if you see me online with a B738 - I am on FSX and you can open the Champaign.
For sure I will stay with XP and my 3,5TB of fototextures - waiting what will happen there.
Cheers Tom
Don't worry, Major Tom. I will step by on Friday an connect you to the FSX world in less than 5 minutes ... (read: I will destroy the entire system and make sure it will be unusable for the next 5 years)

Thank you for the info about Test Pilot and the link! I spent hours to read through all the stuff last weekend. And I agree with you, it sounds very good. Interesting, at least. Maybe it will take years (very likely), maybe it will never come (wouldn't be the first) - but it's definitely the most interesting idea I've seen in years, and the most useful approach for an open future of flight simulation.
Tom, this is my advice for FSX settings:

1.First of all, use this guide to tune your Operating System and install fsx, from words "rock on" and ending with O&O defragmentation, do not use anything after that, don't use settings inside FSX(display settings - mesh detail, autogen, mesh resolution, don't use from this guide)!

2.For settings inside fsx(mesh detail, autogen...), use this wonderful guide from aerosoft(download Attached File on the bottom of page - "settings.pdf" ):

3.After that, use this great online tool:

4.and then, get nvidia inspector from here , and set fsx like this: . Use any of 3 settings explained by Ryan from PMDG.

You will need maybe a couple of days for all settings(i can do this in 1 day after 3 years of FSX experience :) ) and defragmentation with O&O software, but if you have patience, you must see a realy big performance improvement. You don't need to buy O&O software, you can register it for 30 days trial.

If you have low-end computer, this is very important:

autogen tweak: go to your FSX folder/autogen and find "autogen.xml" file. Rename this file to "autogen.backup" and try now fsx. You will still have the autogen(trees), but much less. But your FSX will run very smooth after this.
I can help you if you want, i allready did some fsx tweaking via team viewer to help a friend.

I know that Peter will help you with FSX, but i thought maybe this way you can forget what i said about x-plane(big disappointment and words like this) :think:

Peter, if this project fails, i have only one solution for good graphic, smooth performance and realistic flight dynamics - ATPL training! :lol:
Hi Zeljko,
Thnks for all this information. Tell me one thing in chapter one you are manipulating the win os. Is this really necessary. I am on win7 64 home premium. The system is quit new installed. I am a bit afraid of killing something. I do not know if peter did all this manipulation on his win7. I will aske him vefore I kill sometihng.
Btw. I am not angry if somebody does not like xplane - I do not take any word about flightsim personally - this would be just to much.
I am glad that I found some people who can help me with the setup of FSX. For xplane ask me. :D
Cheers Tom
Tom Weber said:
Hi Zeljko,
Thnks for all this information. Tell me one thing in chapter one you are manipulating the win os. Is this really necessary.
It's not mandatory, but will improve your system performance, not only in fsx. I do this every time i reinstall FSX(3 times in 3 years), and never had any problems. It's safe, the only things that may happens(theoretically) it's that some program will not start becouse it's depends on some particular proces who was killed by you. But will notify you about that, and will tell you exactly the name of the proces he needs, so you can start it back manually.
You can try without this, and see your performance(just hold left shift and hit "z" twice after you load NGX in FSX, and will show you FPS, about 20fps=satisfactory, 30fps=great, more then 30fps=miracle :lol: )
And if your performance is not good, you can do this later. I have 18-36fps with NGX, which is good for FSX
Tom Weber said:
Btw. I am not angry if somebody does not like xplane - I do not take any word about flightsim personally - this would be just to much.
I am glad that I found some people who can help me with the setup of FSX. For xplane ask me. :D
Cheers Tom
i like x-plane, but i expected more from x-plane 10, will see later after pmdg makes first aircraft for x-plane and after Austin makes some serious patch
Zeljko Budovic said:
Tom, this is my advice for FSX settings:

1.First of all, use this guide to tune your Operating System and install fsx, from words "rock on" and ending with O&O defragmentation, do not use anything after that, don't use settings inside FSX(display settings - mesh detail, autogen, mesh resolution, don't use from this guide)!

2.For settings inside fsx(mesh detail, autogen...), use this wonderful guide from aerosoft(download Attached File on the bottom of page - "settings.pdf" ):

3.After that, use this great online tool:

4.and then, get nvidia inspector from here , and set fsx like this: . Use any of 3 settings explained by Ryan from PMDG.

You will need maybe a couple of days for all settings(i can do this in 1 day after 3 years of FSX experience :) ) and defragmentation with O&O software, but if you have patience, you must see a realy big performance improvement. You don't need to buy O&O software, you can register it for 30 days trial.

If you have low-end computer, this is very important:

autogen tweak: go to your FSX folder/autogen and find "autogen.xml" file. Rename this file to "autogen.backup" and try now fsx. You will still have the autogen(trees), but much less. But your FSX will run very smooth after this.

--- Hi Zejko, I do not find autogen.xml there is only default.xml - and this is the only xml file in that autogen folder. I guess that is what you mean?!

Cheers Tom

I can help you if you want, i allready did some fsx tweaking via team viewer to help a friend.

I know that Peter will help you with FSX, but i thought maybe this way you can forget what i said about x-plane(big disappointment and words like this) :think:

Peter, if this project fails, i have only one solution for good graphic, smooth performance and realistic flight dynamics - ATPL training! :lol:
Yes - "default.xml" in "autogen" folder, my mistake :lol:

But this tweak is for slow CPU, i don't know your CPU spec, maybe you don't need this. I have E7200 dual core @2,53Ghz, and this was best tweak for me. Anyway, I think that - if your CPU is below 3Ghz - you need this tweak to run FSX smooth
Zeljko Budovic said:
Yes - "default.xml" in "autogen" folder, my mistake :lol:

But this tweak is for slow CPU, i don't know your CPU spec, maybe you don't need this. I have E7200 dual core @2,53Ghz, and this was best tweak for me. Anyway, I think that - if your CPU is below 3Ghz - you need this tweak to run FSX smooth


Yes I did this to and it is going better I have a 3GHZ i7 but this does not help with FSX it is only one CPU with 3GHZ. meanwhile I am between 22 and 26fps at Aerosoft EPPK FSX scenery - shortly after start I got round 28 fps. But what will happen in EDDF?
I really want to know how this plane would work on XP - and now I know from AEROSOFT it will be the NGX for plane.
Anyway as my RAID system for all my XP sceneries went to heaven :'( (hope it will run again with a new raid box) I will stick with FSX and want to make it running smooth - not an easey business - but the PMG has really big textures resolution - this cost power. It looks very good no compare with XP this for sure that´s for sure. Are this png textures or vector graphics??
Zejko, I would like to ask you for more help - maybe you find some during eastern.
my mail is: tomATsoundrats.de
:?: You said there is a possibility that you work on my machine :?:
Cheers Tom
Tom Weber said:
Zejko, I would like to ask you for more help - maybe you find some during eastern.
my mail is: tomATsoundrats.de
Cheers Tom

tom@soundrats.de ?

sure i can help you with that, you should install teamviewer for that. I'll send you PM for security reasons :)

P.S. Your fps is good with addon scenery, in x-plane you must have at least 30fps, in fsx 18 fps is ok, 30fps is excellent
Thanks to Senior Capt. Peter Schindler I was able to finish my first FSX PMDG NGX with FSK and Active Sky flight form Frankfurt to Krakow. He was a great Captain who watched and instructed me from the jump seat and put his fingers on the keyboard when things started to went wrong. Yes at 3am we safely landed in Karakow after a GA cause I was to fast - not used to fly this bird.
Thank you very much Peter for this very nice and informative evening / night. I think we earned the glass of Glenfarcles.
Cheers Tom :goodone: :cheers:
Thanks for the credits, Tom! Anytime again - for another glass, of course :)
ps: went to bed at 4, got up at 8 .... strangely feeling a little hangover now.
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